Turning Off The Gaslight
Triple Dipper:
1. Live Free or Die
2. Relief!
3. Ceasefire!
3:30pm: Butters and Lee
1. Live Free or Die
2. Relief!
3. Ceasefire!
Rightside Way Monologue
So, last night Joe Biden gave a speech from the Oval Office….it was touted as his
“farewell speech”…..he pointed out himself that he is ending 50 years of service in
DC……and I for one am really glad….at the risk of sounding like I’m kicking a man
when he’s down, let me kick again……because last nights speech was the ultimate
attempt to once again gaslight the American public……but it fell flat….and while
there were some things I agreed with like the sentiments about the greatness of
our nation and the will of the people and the legacy of American
democracy…..those somehow felt more like platitudes…..like the speech writers
have already left the building so they pumped in some suggested AI generated
patriotic phrases and he read them off the teleprompter…..let’s be honest,
everything about Biden’s Presidency felt like we were watching Jim Carrey’s
character in the Truman Show…..
Did you ever see the Truman Show?....I’m generally speaking not a fan of Jim
Carrey……but the Truman Show was one of his only foray’s into actual
drama…..Carrey played the part of a man named Truman who didn’t know that he
was living in a reality show…..an entire world had been built around him with
actors playing his friends and family…..a whole town…..a whole
environment…..Truman had no idea that he lived in a fake world…..every day he
greeted his neighbors, went to work…..from the time that he was a child he had
been kept in a bubble with a plastic world that he thought was real…..meanwhile,
on the outside of the actual sets that the Truman Show used the world would
watch Truman’s life in real time…..he was the number one character in a world
that he thought was real and the rest of the world knew that it wasn’t…..but it
just went on and on…..Truman had habits that everyone smiled and nodded
at…..one of which was that every day he would step out of his front door, dressed
smartly for work, carrying his briefcase and wave at his neighbor as they watered
the flowers and say “Good morning! And in case I don’t see ya…..Good afternoon,
good evening and good night!”……the directors, actors and producers of the
Truman show were gaslighting the main character……
First of all, understand this…..”gaslighting” is considered in clinical circles as a
form of psychological manipulation in the midst of abusive relationships…….a
means by which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their
victims mind…..it’s a means by which one individual seeks to gain power and
control over another by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own
judgment and intuition…….The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1938
play Angel Street, which Alfred Hitchock later adapted into the film Gaslight, in
which a man tries to convince his wife that she is going insane so he can steal
from her. When he turns on the lights in the attic to search for her jewelry
collection, and the gas lights dim downstairs, he tells her it’s all in her
imagination. Gradually she begins to question her own memories and
perceptions……but the term has become a more normalized part of the daily
vernacular and used often to describe what happens when public discourse, or
political speeches, or social media censoring, or any other form of dialogue works
to create an alternate view coupled with an insulting or canceling or threatening
of the person with the opposite view……
but there was a point in the movie when reality began to seep in……Truman
began to sense trouble in paradise and he no longer trusted people who told him
that everything was okay…..that he was okay…..and he began to lash out and get
erratic……he tried to take back control…..tried to seize the narrative…..and at
every turn the actors who pretended to be his friends and family just patted him
on the head and told him condescendingly that everything was well and that he
had it all under control……until one day they couldn’t hide it from him anymore
and reality hit Truman like a brick….his whole life was a fake…….and somehow
Biden’s speech last night felt like that……the speech felt like he desperately
wanted to believe his reality, but he had already begun to believe the actual
reality……but yet, he sat there in the Oval Office last night and basically put on his
fake face in his farewell speech and said ““Good morning! And in case I don’t see
ya…..Good afternoon, good evening and good night!”……it was a symbol of his
entire failed Presidency…..
Do you remember how many times Biden appeared to have no grasp of the
facts…..no ability to convey the ground truth of events……I believe it was very
likely because he was kept from the truth……told that things were great by his
staff and family who were really just manipulating him to get the narrative they
wanted…..Biden was living in the Truman show…..
Like the time in 2022 when Biden literally took a question from Fox’s Peter Doocy
during a rare press event…….Doocy asked about the constant walkbacks that
White House staff had to provide to clean up Biden’s errant comments on
Ukraine……the first thing out of his mouth: “nobody’s walking back
anything!”…….Doocy then gave him a list of the 3 major gaffes from the previous
72 hours……chemical weapons respond in kind, US troops going to Ukraine, and
Putin should not remain in power……his response: “none of those 3 things ever
happened!”……we have not only the video and audio proof that they did but we
also have a photo of the cheat sheet Biden was holding in his hand when he
answered Doocy that told him how best to spin his answers to walk back the
question of walk backs……folks, if that isn’t a man living in an alternate reality I
don’t know what is…….and it was like that all the time…..
Last night he gave a speech that touted successes that never happened…..he said
that his administration had created more jobs than anyone…..but they were really
just jobs that people went back to after the Covid lockdowns were lifted…..he said
that the world is safer as Afghanistan is now back in Taliban hands, Ukraine is on
fire, and the middle east is in conflict…….he pressed in on the dark efforts of what
he called a “rich oligarchy” rising in power that don’t “pay their fair share” while
just a week ago he gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to none other than
progressive dark lord billionaire George Soros……he claimed that the economy he
is leaving to the incoming Trump administration is the best ever – never mind the
rampant inflation, never mind that the economy is one of the number one
reasons he lost the election……to hear his speech you would think that Joe Biden
was taking a victory lap after completing two amazing world changing terms….but
instead he is a among a select group of one-term Presidents and he is leaving
office with his worst approval ratings ever with only 33% of Americans believing
he did good job…..by the way that’s less than half the approval ratings that
Democrat Presidents Clinton and Obama left office with…..but there was a
moment in the movie, the Truman Show, when the manipulating directors, actors
and producers could no longer control the narrative…..a moment when Truman
stumbled upon truth and began to see that he had been misled….and then the cat
was out of the bag and the truth of his fake existence came crashing down and
the Truman Show came to an end….I believe that Joe Biden had that moment in
June of last year when he took the debate stage…..his handlers had told him he
was fine, everything was good, no problems, you got this, you’re doing a great job
boss, the country loves you!......but even still they took a week off to prep him…..a
whole week out of the White House…..and then he stepped on that stage with
Donald Trump and completely unraveled as the whole world watched the Biden
Show come crashing to an end…..the jig was up…..the gaslighting of Joe Biden, the
gaslighting of America was finally over…..his handlers were desperate so they
tried to spin that everything was still fine and that as a magnanimous gesture of
statesmanship he would step aside and let the younger generation have the
helm…..but we could see it because he could now see it…..
Last night’s speech was the final scene in a fake presidency…..it was pitiful and
maddening all at the same time…..I believe that Joe Biden finally saw what they
didn’t want him to see….that he was being used, lied to, and that he wasn’t even
the one making the decisions…..he was a character in a reality show…..
So last night, from the Oval Office, Joe Biden looked into the camera and told
America……“Good morning! And in case I don’t see ya…..Good afternoon, good
evening and good night!”
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way……