Laws Are Supposed To Mean Something
Triple Dipper:
1. DC Gone Wild
2. Firey Consequences
3. Border Wars
3:30pm: JP on Sports
1. DC Gone Wild
2. Firey Consequences
3. Border Wars
Rightside Way Monologue
A Few years ago I realized that I had never read the classic book “To Kill A
Mockingbird” by Alabama’s own Harper Lee……how did that happen?!......how did
I miss that one along the way?……was it not required reading anywhere in my
educational journey? Apparently not……a world renowned Pulitzer Prize winning
classic with Alabama roots……so I found a copy and commenced to reading and
quickly saw why it was a classic……. In 2006 a group of British librarians ranked To
Kill a Mockingbird as one of the books that every adult should read before they
die…..it’s a tale that has a lot of reality in it of things that should never happen in
any society…..not the least of which is the abuse of the justice system…..and
despite being a work of fiction there are some great truths in it……One of my
favorite quotes of all time is in it……it comes as the main character Atticus Finch is
defending a black man in a trial against false claims…… he makes an impassioned
plea to the jury……if you don’t mind I’ll just read it to you…..He said:
“But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal – there on
one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid
man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college
president. That institution, Gentlemen, is a court. It can be the supreme court of
the United States or the humbles court in the land, or this honorable court which
you serve. Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this
country our courts are the great levelers and in our courts all men are created
I believe that actually…..I know that some want to say that our justice system is
rigged against this kind or that kind…..but I believe wholeheartedly that the even
application of law in our society sets us apart from so many others in the history
of the world……what bothers me most recently however is when those laws are
flagrantly ignored by those whom we have entrusted to enforce them……there is
a new trend….we used to speak to the concept of activist judges……but now I
believe that we must also speak to the onset of a new trend of activist
prosecutors and political hacks who choose to ignore the law…..
I say all of this as the news broke this morning that just last night Joe Biden did it
again…..in a sweeping gesture that defies reality and makes no apology for its
overreach Biden commuted the sentences of nearly 2500 people in one fell
swoop…..for those of you liberals who still listen to this show: Yes, I am aware
that pardon power and the ability to commute sentences are vested in the chief
executive office of the President……he can do that…..but just because he CAN,
doesn’t mean that he SHOULD……because what Joe Biden just did was create an
unequal playing field…..he decided, in and of himself, that there are penalties he
doesn’t agree with…..he didn’t look at a case-by-case review of each request for a
pardon or commutation….he looked at the duly enacted laws regarding criminal
activity and decided that he knew better than the legislators who put those laws
in place…..he called it a chance to “equalize sentencing disparities”…..he said that
he believed that there were distinctions between crack and powder
cocaine….that laws have changed over time…..that he needed to “right historic
wrongs”……the statement issued by his office ended by saying, “With this action, I
have now issued more individual pardons and commutations than any president
in US history”……and he’s right….he signed off on 1500 or more just last
week….and then he took nearly every one of the 40 federal death row inmates off
of death row…..and oh by they way, lest we forget, he pardoned his son for
anything and everything that may or may not have occurred between the years
2014 and 2024 to include his dishonorable discharge from the Navy for drug
use…..it boggles the mind….what Joe Biden just said to the world is that he is soft
on crime and that he does not consider the work done by law enforcement or
prosecutors to be near as important as his singular judgment……meanwhile, law
abiding citizens watch and wonder if they would ever get such consideration……
But this has been the trend……activist prosecutors have been filling out the ranks
as District Attorneys in major cities…..several of them funded during their
elections by George Soros……..the same George Soros who Joe Biden just
awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom……Joe Biden loves to coddle the
But let me bring it home for you…….what about Mayor Randall Woodfin of
Birmingham, Alabama who determined on his own that municipal court drug
possession charges should not be prosecuted……he went so far as to issue blanket
exonerations of prior convictions in April of 2021 calling it his Pardon’s for
Progress program…..Birimingham City Hall actually has a “pardons for progress”
office with its own website……is that his role?…..the laws are on the books and
enacted by the legislature…….should a Mayor of one of the largest cities in the SE
United States be able to just choose to disavow those laws……what signal does
that send to law enforcement officers and prosecutors…..
Here’s another one…..did you hear that the Mayor of the small town of
Springville, Alabama ran for Governor….it wasn’t much of a campaign…..I don’t
think he’s much of a Mayor either……in his own words he was running for
Governor and he smokes pot……what?! Apparently he want to see that law
changed…..but apparently he also isn’t aware that not only has he chosen to be a
law breaker but as Governor he would not be the one enacting the laws…..or
would he espouse a position that says that the Chief executive of the state is
allowed to pick and choose…….why not, Mayor Woodfin does……Joe Biden
But then there’s the case of Governor Kay Ivey……you may have heard that the
legislature is once again considering the expansion of casino gaming the
state……because surely that’s the most important thing for us to be focused on
…….but let’s put aside how any of you might or might not feel about casinos being
placed around the state……the bill that was last considered was intended to write
into state law that the several gaming interests in this state who have been
breaking our laws ……literally breaking our laws…….for years, would be rewarded
with a monopoly and the divvying up of our state to give them ground to build
more casino’s…..I thought surely not…..Governor Ivey wouldn’t stand for that
would she?.......apparently she would as she issued a statement saying that
enforcement of the laws on gaming was hard…….hard…….you heard me, the chief
executive of our state thought that it was just too hard to enforce the laws……so
as a result she was prepared to sign the legislation if the legislature could get it
done……in her words “Right now, gambling is going on. Much of it is illegal and it
is done in the shadows. We need to put laws on the books, control gambling,
enforce it and be sure the people of Alabama are the beneficiaries of the
proceeds”. Let me translate that for you into the language of non-
politicians……”Gambling is illegal but I don’t have the will to enforce the current
laws. So let’s just legalize it and I’ll try to be better at enforcing the laws once I
know we can make some money off of it.”……..I guess we could say that about
prostitution, or illegal drug use……heck, let’s just open up the floodgates to
anything we’re uncomfortable with having to enforce.
I’ve got news for these executives, at the local state and federal level……You have
one job! Just one! And that job involves the enforcement of the laws of this land!
Folks, the laws of this nation are to be enacted by the various legislative bodies
and enforced by the executive branch……Prosecutors may enter into plea deals
but they cannot choose to openly disavow laws that they have no right to
ignore…..and executives like Mayors and Governors and Presidents cannot choose
to provide blanket cover for the abuse of our legal system by perpetrators from
the smallest drug possession case to the largest illegal gambling operation and
failure to pay taxes…….
If we are to be a nation of laws then the laws must matter. It really boils down to
that……And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way