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No Woke Outside the Wire

Triple Dipper:

1. Military Minded
2. Pardon Power
3. Border is Back!


3:30pm: Butters and Lee


1. Military Minded

2. Pardon Power

3. Border is Back

Rightside Way Monologue

I spent some time yesterday unpacking the amazing amount of actual change and

action that we have seen in our government in just 2 days…..2 days!.....leadership

leads…..leadership establishes parameters and creates an environment in which

things occur or don’t occur…..leadership, real leadership, sets examples and

establishes left and right limits, but real leadership also means that people know

where they stand…..and right now, there are things happening that weren’t

allowed, weren’t empowered, weren’t discussed, for over four years…..I realize

that every organization has its honeymoon phase and that there will be some things

that don’t happen overnight…..but to be honest, the first few days have moved

with such lightning speed that it feels like we are flying nap of the earth with the

doors open!.....we are already seeing a restorative change in tone, and even a

change in personnel, in all branches of government…..and in that same vein, the

restoration is already occurring in our US military…..

As I prepared for the show this morning I thought that I would look back and see

what I was speaking on back in the beginning of the Biden administration

…..Rightside Radio hit the airwaves in mid-2021, just 45 days before the debacle

pullout in Afghanistan……even then I was doing monologues decrying the advent

of wokeness in the military…..the Biden administration pursued the role of

Commander in Chief as an experimenter in chief, turning our vaunted US military

into a social experimentation platform for every woke ideology they could

find…..massive amounts of time, money, and resources were spent making sure

that the greatest military in the world capitulated to the climate agenda, the

lgbtq2ia+ agenda, diversity, equity, inclusion, critical race theory, you name it…

was nauseating…..Democrats spent four years sacrificing readiness and lowering

morale while forging a force that looked pretty in their skewed worldview, but was

not prepared to win our nations wars……Hear me when I say this…..I love our

nation’s military… family being multi-generational Army, I grew up watching

my father and grandfather serve capably and wanted to be a part of it myself, my

own service consumed 30 years of my life, I commanded troops, walked the rough

side of two war zones, served in the Pentagon…..I have 3 fused vertebrae from too

much time as a Paratrooper…..I wouldn’t change it for the world……but I also

believe that my own background and resume give me the absolute right to

speak to the issues in our military when I see them…..

Wokeness in the military was real……it was, and it doesn’t matter what General

Milley or Secretary Austin said about it….we could see it….wokeness was

pervasive in every branch of service and it came from the top down……well, we

had a term in Baghdad – it wasn’t unique to our own war but it was used more

often there because we worked out of small FOBs, or forward operating

bases…..we would say that anything outside the gate, anything outside the

protective walls of our perimeter was a place that was “outside the wire” – you go

on patrol, you conduct a cordon and search, you do a movement to contact, or just

roll out on a supply run, you were “outside the wire” – Hear me on this: There’s

no room for “woke” outside the wire!

Let me remind you of some of the things that occurred in the last four

years….these are reports…. Real reports:

- A report in mid-2021 that soldiers at Fort Bliss were forced to wear IDs

during diversity and inclusion training that listed their race, ethnicity, social

class and other identifying characteristics that have nothing to do with

military readiness or performance.

- Or how about when Navy Admiral Mike Gilday suggested in June that

Sailors read How To Be Antiracist by extremist author Abram X Kendi. 

Although the title sounds appealing (the vast majority of Americans don't

want to be racist), the contents of the book insist that America is racist in

history and continues to be today throughout our society's structures.

- Then there was the “Privilege Walk” required for all ranks in one Air Force

squadron. The members were told to “take a step forward” if they were

members of a certain class. For example: first all men had to step forward,

then all white members had to step forward and this continued through every

point of privilege one may have had according to their “intersectional

hierarchy.” The idea was to physically separate people and more or less

demean and diminish those with “privilege,” implying they did not get to

where they are because of merit.


- In one Department of Defense school, students were required to share with

the class a “significant emotional event” in which they admit their privilege

and repent racism and sexism. The whistleblower report stated it was

targeted towards white students, particularly white males. If one chose not to

say what was expected or the instructor didn’t believe it was sincere, a

student could be failed, and risk damage to his or her career.

These and many other stories became an everyday part of the “woke culture”

which was forced into the ranks of our military. When you stand next to each other

in the face of a common enemy you cannot win wars if you do not trust the

members of your fighting force to the left and right of you!

Military proficiency and readiness does not come in the form of people being told

they are different and that one person has it better or worse than the other…..when

troops are in harms way outside the wire everything goes by the wayside and

everyone is one color: Green!......– THAT is who we are, and don’t let anyone tell

you different. But those of you listening now who wear the uniform of this

nation, or have family members who do, well, the restoration of the force is

already underway… one, and I mean no one is going to make soldiers,

sailors, airmen or Marines take a “privilege walk” or “embrace Marxism” or

“to view yourself more by the color of your skin than the color of your

uniform”……..if anyone tries, you tell them to pound sand!....because the

restoration of sanity and common sense is underway and the new leadership

knows that there is no room for woke outside the wire…..

We’ve already talked about Pete Hegseth, and I believe that his views are well

known…..I believe that he will bring much needed change…..but there are others

who are joining those ranks who feel likewise…..for instance, there is an

organization that I am proud to be affiliated with called STARRS….STARRS,

(Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services) is a national

organization for which I serve on the Board of Advisors made up of former senior

Officers and NCO’s who’s mission is to root out wokeness in the military….the

executive Vice President of STARRS is Matthew Lohmeier, a former fighter pilot

who became a squadron commander in the Space Force and was relieved of his

command for daring to speak out against diversity initatives, critical race theory,

and Marxism in the policies from the Pentagon….he was just tapped by President

Trump to serve as the Undersecretary of the Air Force with Trump saying that

chose Lohmeier to change the military’s woke policies…..incidentally, the General

who relieved Lohmeier in the past is the commander of Space Command now and

is the same General who has fought bringing Space Command to Huntsville,

Alabama…..karma man….that’s gonna be some karma…..

Or how about Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller….you may recall him

famously demanding accountability from senior leaders for the failure that killed

13 servicemembers in the pullout of Afghanistan….he was actually jailed, and then

forced out of the Corps despite 17 years of stellar decorated service….he was just

announced as a new senior advisor for personnel and readiness at the

Pentagon….I’m pretty sure he has some thoughts….and I hope that he will get his

retirement back…..

We are told that Generals, Admirals, and senior defense executives are on pins and

needles as they wait to hear whether they will now be asked to turn in their papers

and go to the house….and they should….its a new day and the feckless, go along

to get along style of sycophantic kowtowing we’ve seen from senior leaders these

past four years has no place in a Pentagon that is being restored to a warrior

making machine….it’s a new day….and America wants is military back…..

Woke doesn’t win wars…..and there is no room for woke outside the wire.

That’s a wrap for the Rightside Way……

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

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