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Say What You Say

Triple Dipper:

1. Confirmations!
2. Deportation Machinations
3. Save Our Kids



1. Confirmations!

2. Deportation Machination

3. Save Our Kids!

Rightside Way Monologue

Something big happened over the weekend….something that I believe sent

shockwaves around the world…..You may have seen it….it was a shot across the

bow, the proverbial rattling of the cage…..but if you get down to it, what

happened really wasn’t that hard……basically, the world found out that if you fool

around with Trump you will find out fast that he says what he means and means

what he says…..the President of Colombia just learned that the hard way…..

He should’ve known better when the world saw that Trump had Andrew

Jackson’s portrait rehung in the Oval Office…..Andrew Jackson, the strong and

deliberate leader…..known for taking hard stands and doing hard things and

overcoming adversity and opposing his enemies…..Andrew Jackson, who famously

once said, “I was born for the storm, and a calm does not suit me.”…..Andrew

Jackson who’s men called him Old Hickory because of his stalwart willingness to

suffer right along with his troop in battle, and even spend his own money to make

sure they had what they needed……Andrew Jackson who told the boys from

Tennessee to stand firm, and hold fire until they could see the whites of their eyes

and won the Battle of New Orleans…..Well, apparently Donald J. Trump identifies

with Andrew Jackson…..and the President of Colombia decided to fool around and

find out…..

Let me start though by reminding ya’ll of something that I told you once

before….you see, I married a sassy woman…’s true….my team overseas often

referred to my sweet demure southern wife as “the Sergeant Major” because she

was the only one who could say things to me that needed to be said

sometimes….more than once Sgt. Borden would look at me in Baghdad and ask,

“Sir, am I going to have to call the Sergeant Major?”…..I would laugh, but he was

also serious… one of those examples of this I have to tell you about a phrase

that we use in our house because of her……

one of my favorites that has come about in recent years that is said all too often,

and yet not enough, by my sweet sassy wife…..she’ll correct me on something, or

tell me my favorite old shirt doesn’t look right, or that I actually have to shave for

church, or that I need to stop working late and when I look at her like I’m about to

say something back she’ll just point a finger at me and emphatically state, “I say

what I say”……like that’s the end of it….just like that, “I say what I say”……no reply

warranted, nor desired…..the final word has been spoken…..I can try to argue that

she can’t just say-what-she-says-me like that until I’ve had my own say which

usually gets me a second round of “I say what I say” but with a smile that is totally

disarming…… yes, I did in fact marry a sassy woman…..and I wouldn’t have it any

other way to be honest……

but the “I say what I say” is a phrase that we might use in our family but how

often do we see that in real life?....... we don’t always get folks who are willing to

say what they say and stand by it……sometimes that can be a matter of

deception….maybe they say one thing and do another with intent to

deceive……and this is not to mean that you might not have to develop your

position as more facts arise, or when you gain a better understanding…..that’s

different. That’s wisdom and humility……I’m talking about those times when you

know that you know that you know that your position is correct….a matter of fact,

a matter of principle, a bedrock of belief……and you say what you say with that

same confidence…..but the opposing side doesn’t like it….and too often we see

that confidence erode on the spot as the opposition begins their pounce…… I

know that sometimes it’s simply a matter of having a fear of standing their

ground……literally, they say what they say but can they say it twice?.....say what

you say….but when questioned can you hold your own? Can you stand by your

views, your beliefs, when the going gets tough? When cancel culture comes

knocking (and believe me it will) can you say what you say no matter what they


But this past weekend was an example of “I say what I say” on the international

level…..if you haven’t already heard the story let me just lay it out for you…..what

we know is that the Department of Homeland Security has already begun

rounding up illegal criminals by conducting targeted raids all over the

nation….sanctuary cities are having a come-apart because Tom Homan keeps

showing up with warrants and doing what he said he would do…..and the

deportation flights have already begun….planes are departing US airfields as fast

as they can fuel them up and over the weekend two plane loads of Colombian

illegal immigrant criminals lifted off to return their passenger cargo to their

country of origin…..and somewhere in mid-flight the socialist el Presidente of

Colombia decided he would not accept them….Colombian President Gustavo

Petro decided he wasn’t going to take his own criminals back so he denied the

planes access to Colombian air space……okay….well, Trump said what he said and

apparently he meant it… a statement issued immediately and without

hesitation President Trump called out Presidente Petro and announced that the

US would be placing a 25% tariff on all Colombian exports to the US….and if the

policy didn’t change within one week the tariffs would be increased to

50%.....listen, Colombia is the US’s 3 rd largest trade partner in Latin America with a

trade balance in excess of $33 billion annually…..everything from coffee, nuts,

petroleum products and banana’s…..not only that, he shut down all visa

applications from Colombia and threatened to expel their diplomatic staff from

the US……within an hour the President of Colombia caved…..oh, at first he tried to

bow up and claim that he would enact his own tariffs but that went away like

smoke in the wind…..he caved, because he knew that Trump said what he said

and he meant it… fact, Secretary of State Marco Rubio confirmed it all in a

statement from the Department of State… of illegal immigrant criminals

are now heading to Colombia again and in fact, the President of Colombia has

offered to use his own aircraft to assist…..and President Trump issued a follow up

statement saying that he has put the tariff order this is the foreign policy

equivalent to a complete beat down…..a shut out…..a no hitter…..

But here’s the thing…..this event went far beyond just our relations with

Colombia….the world took notice…..every nation that is about to receive a

planeload of their own criminals returned to their borders just sat up in their

chairs and took note that if they want to keep their good relations and trade

agreements and have diplomatic relations with the US that they had better take

them back…..period….end of story…..but I anticipate that it went further than

that…..the world at large, even our allies, just saw Trump make an immediate

decisive act, issue an immediate proclamation, call out another world leader, put

American interests first, and win……gone are the days of appeasement and

apologies…..gone are the days of putting a lid on the White House for afternoon

naps and long weekends at the beach……gone are the days of finger pointing and

giving away the farm so that we can claim some kind of rapprochement that does

nothing but sound squishy in the end……no more of that……America is back…..we

will not be bullies, but we will also not be bullied…..and I for one am glad…..

We needed that person who is battle born and heavy tested – someone who is

willing to lean into the wind, set their face like flint, and dare to oppose enemies

while also mentoring those that they lead……. Someone who, like Andrew

Jackson, can say, “I was born for the storm and a calm does not suit me.”…..

Basically, Donald Trump just looked at the world, pointed his finger, and said, “I

say what I say”

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

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