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Why Would They Not?

Triple Dipper:

1. Home Fries
2. The New DoD
3. Skynet is Coming


3pm: Stephanie Smith

4pm: Grand Council with Jeff Poor and Dale Jackson


1. Home Fries (screenshot this please)

2. The New DoD

3. Skynet is coming

Rightside Way Monologue

State legislatures are incredibly important…..I’ve said before that I only thought I

knew the impact that that a well run state legislature could have before I ran for the

State Senate myself…..but when I actually got elected and sent to the State Capital

I became keenly aware how much each state House and Senate body can

accomplish if they set their minds to it…..or for that matter, how much they can

screw up….This is that time of the year…..that season in nearly every state where

the members of the respective state legislative branches gather for the annual

Regular Session…..Florida is staring at a special session on immigration right

now…..Tennessee is in a special session on school choice right now…..and

Alabama goes into regular session next week…..laws will be passed, taxes will be

either raised or lowered or ignored, budgets will be debated and hopefully

balanced, and a myriad of other things that the state needs done…..we talk all the

time about what happens in Congress…..what the US Senate is doing…..but have

you ever paid attention, I mean really paid attention to the folks that decide

everything from your local tax laws, education funding, Medicaid, criminal

penalties and prisons, or whether or not your state will ban transgender treatments

on minors?.....all of that and more is decided for you every year by folks who live

and work in your home towns and then drive periodically to the state capital to

make it law…..and right now, every state in the Southeast has a Republican

Supermajority in their Statehouse and they are on the verge of blowing it!

Have you ever been in one of those “no-lose” situations……I mean we’ve all seen

the “no-win” situations……but sometimes the stars align and you find yourself

looking at your personal situation and thinking “why would I not?”….I’ll be

honest, that’s the way I pray sometimes…..when I’m seeking the Lord’s guidance

on something it often starts out with asking for wisdom…..sometimes those

prayers are “Lord, should I?”…..but sometimes the events on the ground swirl

together and I find myself having to switch my prayers to “Lord, why would I

not?”…..and when that happens, when the decisions seem really obvious I have to

measure them against what I know of God’s will, his character, his Word and make

sure that they are not just distractions….but then I find myself sometimes looking

it all over, honestly asking for God’s intervention, and then realizing it comes

down to “why would I not”

Sometimes big decisions are actually the easiest…..the facts and circumstances just

line up in such a way that you look at yourself in the mirror and realize there’s

nothing to lose, and everything to gain…..When I asked Charlene to marry me (39

years ago!) it was actually a no-brainer…..I had no money….no job…..still in

school…..only 21….but hey! I knew the upside. Why would I not?....

When I went to Army Ranger School I had no advance notice… train up…..but

a slot opened up with 6 days’ notice…..I wanted to do it… was the only shot I

would get…..why would I not?......

When the day came that I was asked to consider running for the State Senate….. I

reviewed the opportunity…..Charlene and I talked about it…..we believed in the

cause….why would I not?

When I decided to hang my shingle and open my own law firm…..that decision

was made sitting on the couch at home with Charlene and I trying to find a reason

why we would not do it…..we couldn’t find one and made that decision

overnight…..why would we not?

And this radio show…..Rightside Radio…..which has now grown to a full blown

media company with podcasts and everything…..just like that…..the opportunity

arose….it ain’t easy….it involves change and getting out of my comfort zone…..

but essentially there was nothing to lose by giving it a shot…..why would I not?

Now you might look at those and say “well, those weren’t really no-lose

situations….they could’ve gone badly”……no, not really. Because if they had not

worked out…..marriage, Ranger School, Senate, Law Practice, this radio

show…..what would I have lost? I would just be back where I was before…

real changes…..but a life filled with experiences… the end each of those….and

other decisions like them have paid off more than I could have ever asked or


But there are also times when the elected leaders of our states need to think along

the same lines….right now state legislatures are convening…..and they have been

given a golden opportunity….they are in the middle of one of the most dynamic

conservative movements in modern history….a time when the public sentiment has

swung decidedly in favor of conservative values, conservative principles,

conservative politicians…..what happened in the recent election cycle was not just

a wave, it was a tsunami!.....there is no doubt that any state Republican

supermajority could act in a decisive and deliberate manner to enact all the things

that they say that they stand for…..the things that their state voters gave them a

supermajority for…..and actually get some major things done… fact, I would

have to ask, “why would they not?”

But in Florida…. right now we are watching as the Republican majority is pushing

back on Governor Desantis’s call for state level illegal immigration laws to be

passed….they actually took the bill put forward by his administration and watered

it down….they even went so far as to strip the Governor of Florida of his

enforcement powers on state level illegal immigration and give it inexplicably to

the Florida Secretary of Agriculture!.....they have a mandate….they have an

opportunity….they can pass whatever they want to pass….but they choose,

apparently, to get squishy…..have they not seen the overwhelming national

sentiment?.....have they not heard their constituents calls?.....immigration reform

from the Florida capital…..why would they not?

In Tennessee, Governor Bill Lee has called the State House and Senate into a

special session to enact major school choice legislation…..Tennessee, like

Alabama, needs reforms to its education system….parents deserve to be given the

ability to determine what is best for their child’s educational needs without being

bound to a zip code or a bureaucracy….President Trump has signaled

overwhelming support for measures like those proposed by the Tennessee

Governor, calling school choice the “civil rights issue of our

generation”…..Tennessee House and Senate Committees have both passed the

school choice measures out of committee but the debate on the floor is set to be

dicey…..have they heard the cries of their constituents….have they seen the

movement around the nation… choice for Tennessee…..why would they


Right now the Alabama Legislature is in that very same position……the Alabama

House and Senate go in next week…..there’s already talk about whether the

rarified air in the Statehouse will be consumed with gambling once

again…gambling bills that just reward bad actors and law breakers who have

flaunted our laws and corrupted our politics for decades…..meanwhile, easy layup

bills like the “What is a Woman Act” to declare Alabama a state that only

recognizes biology….or the bill that keeps porn filters in place to protect

children…..they remain somehow debatable….have they read the room? they

see the national mandate for a restoration of values?….are they aware of the

strength of their position?.....the Republican supermajority in Alabama could get

anything passed if they wanted to….lower your taxes? Done….protect children?

Done…..streamline government? Done…..Alabama restore illegal immigration

laws to the forefront of the state code? Done… have to look at the moment we

are in and realize there will never be another time like this one for conservatives to

act….to actually walk in the authority they’ve been granted…..Alabama

legislature, why would you not?

And what will the public think…. What will the public, who voted in these

republican supermajorities think when they see major steamrolls of state level

conservative legislation getting passed?.....they will see that you care…..they will

see that when they cried out that the legislature listened……so, do something

meaningful….not hollow….tell them all that the people of this state will be

protected! As long as your are in office”…….you’ll be a conservative warrior….its

a no lose situation…..

Why would they not?

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

©2021 Rightside Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

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