Triple Dipper:
1. Aircraft Down!
2. New DOD
3. Skynet is Here!
3pm: Mark McEathron, former Blackhawk Crew Chief
3:30: Butters & Lee
1. Aircraft Down!
2. The New DoD
3. Skynet is coming
Rightside Way Monologue
There’s a fight brewing….you watch….the deep state is working overtime right
now to figure out how to preserve their radical agenda…..and the secret sauce
they put on every liberal dish was just banned…..DEI….DEI is on the outs….we’ve
seen the results of it….DEI is where merit goes to die……state legislatures, like
here in Alabama, have already taken steps to end it…..the new Trump
administration just issued orders to completely ban it…..even private businesses
are finding that keeping a DEI office is bad for business and might make them less
profitable…..why? because DEI looks away from merit…..DEI mandates racism, DEI
mandates that values not be upheld, DEI actually destroys constitutional liberties,
and all under the guise of making things wonderful…..
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion became a huge buzz phrase in the wake of the
George Floyd/BLM/Antifa Summer of Love……everybody needed a DEI office to
show just how virtuous their particular organization, corporation, department or
university really was….. “We’re here for you! We want diversity! We are oh so
inclusive!”……it turns out that more often than not the medicine was worse for us
than the problem it was designed to cure…..Ostensibly, DEI is all about leveling
the playing field, making sure that everyone has an equal stake in the
outcome….celebrating the differences that make up our homogenous society by
opening doors…..but what has happened over and over is more of a societal self-
flagellation as we’ve been forced to face constant punishment for every special
groups perceived grievances…..diversity has become the buzz word for being
allowed to exclude someone if they don’t fit the agenda…..equity has become the
secret ingredient for redistribution as they take something away from someone
else to give it to the aggrieved who haven’t necessarily earned it……and inclusion
has really turned into exclusion as values and whole demographics in our society
have been told that they have privilege and are therefore going to lose their
opportunities because they are just too this, or too that……DEI has essentially
taken the fight for equality, civil rights, and liberty and turned it all on its head in a
bloodbath of revisionist effort to rewrite culture to fit a liberal narrative……
basically, instead of uniting society, DEI has served as a means to divide us……but I
believe that was really the point all along…..
Case in point…..last night saw a horrific aviation disaster in our nations
capital…..we’re still learning the details but it appears that nearly 70 people lost
their lives as a passenger plane collided with an Army helicopter while on final
approach to Reagan National Airport….there is no finger pointing here….we don’t
know the root causes…..but being an Air Traffic Controller is a hard, intricate,
stressful job….the FAA oversees all aspects of aviation safety and accident
investigation……but in early 2024 former Secretary of Transportation Pete
Buttigieg was proud to announce that The Federal Aviation Administration was
actively recruiting workers who suffer "severe intellectual" disabilities, psychiatric
problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and
inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. Two days ago
President Trump specifically ordered the FAA to end this program and to ensure
that only individuals fully capable and best able to provide for the safety of air
travel be placed in those positions……
Here in Alabama the State Legislature has taken steps to tamp down the
madness…..the DEI slaughter got a major pushback when Senate Bill 129 passed
into law last year…..suddenly the woke institutions of learning and public
governance had to check their agendas at the door and figure out how to send
their liberal virtue signals by other means……During an appearance on Alabama
Public Televisions Capitol Journal State Sen. Will Barfoot (R – Pike Road) talked
about the bill that he sponsored…..he pointed out that the issue is not just here at
home in Alabama, but everywhere…..but Alabama is choosing to take a stand
against the DEI bloodbath…..in talking about DEI Barfoot said,
“DEI offices at higher institutions of education and public universities have really
worked to divide us rather than unite us. DEI sounds inviting and sounds like
something we should all get behind, but in fact those DEI offices around the state
have been used to silo people by race, by color, by religion, ethnicity or national
origin.”…..he was absolutely right, and I’m personally proud of the fact that
Alabama…..a state that many on the outside like to label as racist, or divisive….has
once again proven that it can overcome division…..keep in mind that while
Alabama certainly has a past that is checkered and should not ever be excused or
forgotten, that this is also the state that was the cradle of the modern civil rights
movement……Alabama has had both Jefferson Davis and Martin Luther King
among its citizens…..and once again, we have identified a problem and taken
steps internally to work it out and restore actually freedom and equality to the
forefront of the discussion…….So yes, SB129 is now the law….it limits the state
funded institutions who have been so eager in recent years to push for limitations
on society rather than actual removal of barriers…..Alabama law now ends DEI
programs, including critical race theory, by any state agency or educational
institution….it’s amazing that they have to now express that they will need to sort
this out and consult with their legal counsel to find the way forward…..the
But the deep state activists are still at work….. soon after the law was passed the
University of Alabama system issued a statement signed by its Chancellor and the
Presidents of the main University and UAH and UAB trying to assure the outside
world that they will remain “ dedicated to our mission of providing exceptional
educational, research and patient care experiences to all people, of all
backgrounds, in welcoming and supportive environments that foster open
thought, academic freedom and free expression,”…..that’s really just code words
to the outside world that they will do everything they can to remain as woke as
possible under the new restraints assigned to them by the duly elected lawmakers
of the state who were tired of seeing divisive policies camouflaged under the
ridiculous banner of DEI……
We’ve also recently learned that UAB’s Heersink School of Medicine just simply
decided to give their DEI office a new name….same people, same mission, same
woke agendas, new name…..but some are more flagrant than that…..a story is out
today about one of the biggest anomalies in education that I’ve ever seen….did
you know that Alabama has a public school that is dedicated to LGBTQ
students?....I still don’t understand for the life of me how the Magic City
Acceptance Academy…..a public charter school in Birmingham…..ever got
approved….but they did….and they have drag queens doing fundraisers for the
kids…..a school that promotes itself, not as an educational environment where
learning is paramount….but a school that prides itself (pun intended) on sexual
orientation…..and yes, they still have their DEI statements prominently displayed
in the official handbook and on the official website of this publicly funded
educational institution in red state Alabama…..
DEI has been a bloodbath on our society….and yes, I’m using that word
intentionally…..it has been the clarion call to the left to dismantle what so many
have fought to instill in the freest nation on the face of the earth……DEI still needs
to DIE….it remains a battle in other places, and truthfully we cannot lower our
guard in Alabama…..
There is work to do….the unwinding of the deep state DEI agenda is going to take
time…..but it’s a fight worth having, a fight to restore the idea of merit….of
promoting equality over equity….and elected officials who care deeply about this
and even pass laws to fix it have to know that if deep staters are going to thumb
their nose at the law and try to push their agendas anyway that action will have to
be taken or the law will be hollow and meaningless…..
DEI is on the wane…..the long nightmare of oversaturated guilt thrust on our
society is coming to an end…..but the deep state loves their precious….it’s their
secret sauce to the progressive agenda…….
……And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way