As Goes The King, So Goes The Country
Triple Dipper:
1. Reconciliation
2. Jackassery
3. On the World Stage
1. Reconciliation
2. Jackassery
3. The World Stage
Rightside Way Monologue
I’m just finishing a great book…..it’s a classic that I don’t know how I’ve missed all
these years…..the book is called, Once An Eagle, by Anton Myrer……it’s a story of
two men who entered the military service at the same time….one was a leader of
men, who developed others, who acted without thought for his own self, who
changed lives and saved lives and was decorated for valor in combat…..and the
other man was a self-serving opinionated elitist who got his rank and
achievements by playing backroom politics……both were leaders…..both knew
their jobs…..but their approaches were vastly different and only one of them had
There’s an old saying……”heavy is the head that wears the crown”…..it speaks to
the fact that leadership bears the burden of responsibility…..and that it can be
lonely at the top….in my personal experiences, whether running a business,
standing for public office, or commanding a military unit……those can be truisms.
…but they’re also just part of it…..leadership can bring great joy as well –
especially if it is both a calling and a gifting……but there’s another old saying as
well……”As goes the King so goes the Country”…..it basically refers to the fact that
the man or woman at the top can set the tone…..can steer the ship…..and can
help stoke the fears or quiet the discontent….all by the way that he or she leads
and addresses situations…..especially in times of crisis….people will look to their
leaders to see what to do, to find an example, to get direction……real leadership is
sometimes defined as the ability to exhort or encourage people to do something
that they might not otherwise have done on their own…..Leadership comes with
authority, sure….but leadership also provides authority by empowering other
people to feel like they can do something, achieve something, gain
something…..leadership matters….and for the past four years we haven’t had a
leader at the helm of our country……and it shows…..
There is a great movie that outlines a people needing to hear from their
leader……you may have seen it….a true story made into film back in 2010 called
“The King’s Speech”……the title was a double entendre…..it referred to a speech
given by the King of England at the onset of WWII and the fact that the King had a
little known speech impediment…..something he had been able to hide from the
general public for much of his life……but at a time when the world was unstable,
and unsure, and Nazi Germany was threatening to take over all of Europe the
people needed to know that they had the steady hand of a strong leader at the
If you know any of English history you may know that in the late 1930’s….just
prior to the second world war that the then King of England abdicated his throne
due to the laws surrounding his desire to marry a woman who was not approved
by the laws of royalty……As a result Prince Albert took the throne as next in line
and very unexpectedly…..Albert had a serious speech impediment that had
haunted him for years but because of the times in which they lived most of
England had no idea……but soon after Albert took the throne England entered
into war with Nazi Germany….it was a dark time….a very scary time with Hitler
marching across the continent and the United States not yet involved…..England
was very much alone, Europe was reeling, Italy was aligned with Germany, France
was under duress, the US was not yet in the fight, and the British people needed
to hear from their King…..the King who had trouble speaking in public…..a speech
impediment for which there was no shame….but yet for the many who might hear
his first true public address by radio the sound of his stammer could have been
mistaken for fear and caused a total loss of national morale…..But the young King
had been working with a speech therapist who’s methods were new, different
and seeing results…..it was a truly heroic story as this man…..who’s head was
heavy with the crown during a time of war and international crisis……worked and
labored, and died everything he could to overcome an inability to speak clearly
and succinctly……he did it because he understood that the times he was in did not
afford him the luxury of staying silent…….his people needed him, he was their
leader……so he walked in the authority God had given him and he struggled to
overcome his speech impediment so that he could convey a message that
resonated with an embattled nation…….when it came time, he swallowed his
pride and prepared a great speech……it was decided that it would be broadcast
far and wide…..so the King stood in a dimly lit soundproof studio with a prepared
speech, he focused and he concentrated and without a hitch….without a trace of
his speech shaking…..he delivered a speech for the ages, he rallied the nation and
faced Hitler with resolve……
The thing is…..he could’ve just said “someone else give the speech”……or he
could’ve also not labored to be what his people needed and just botched the
whole thing……but he was determined to be what his people needed because he
knew that As Goes the King So Goes the Country is more than just a cliché…..
I can think of some other examples like this……in the Bible….in Joshua
24…..Joshua who followed Moses and led the nation of Israel into the promised
land was dealing with a worn out beat-up people…..but he didn’t threaten, cajole
or mandate…..he just told them all “you decide who you will serve….but as for me
and my house we will serve the Lord”…..and the people followed him…..Charlene
and I have that verse embedded in a marble stone on the front steps of our
house…….in another biblical example King Josiah took the throne of Judah and
soon after was shocked to find a copy of the holy scriptures…..the nation of Israel
had forgotten its roots…..can you imagine an Israel that had strayed so far that
even the King himself had never read Moses words in the Bible?…..but when the
new young King read them for the first time he knew what he had to do…..he
rallied the nation and personally read the words of the Bible to the people…..his
story ends in 2 Kings 23 by saying that no king before him and no king after him
turned to the Lord with all his soul and with all his strength…….and he led the
people there as well…..
My point is this…..leadership matters…..not just leadership by virtue of ones
position….but leadership by deep care and concern for the well being of ones
people, the history and viability of the nation, and a real and concerted effort to
preserve them for future generations……it is not enough to simply say “I’m in
charge”….to some degree you have to earn it….a part of the fabric of this nation
of ours is the freedom of expression, self-determination, and the ability to express
ourselves….as such there is rarely going to be a leader who escapes
criticism…..which means that a truly effective leader will have to prove
themselves….and in the process of doing so it will naturally come to be that
people will look to see how that leader expresses/speaks/acts in crisis…..we can
all have the luxury of fussing and debating when times are good…..but when
times are dark or tough the troops look to the commander for confidence and
direction……I have worked for some great leaders…..folks I would storm the gates
of Hell with ……and I’ve worked for some self-serving sycophants who’s authority
came more from their mere position or rank, than from their personal posture of
Right now our State and Nation need more than just platitudes, threats and
mandates……none of us want hollow rhetoric or empty executive orders…..none
of us want mandates…..we want to know that tomorrow the sun is going to rise
and we’re going to be here to see it and here is the plan to get us through to that
sunrise…..state governors and national presidents are vital…..they are required by
our constitutionally mandated form of governance….we’re always going to have
both…..and as we’ve seen for the past 4 years it is possible for someone to be
thrust into those positions who has not a clue what it means to inspire, to be
selfless, to sacrifice greatly so that others may rise…….we have had four years of
anything goes because nothing was off limits and no one was in charge…..as goes
the King, so goes the country……the Biden Administration set a tone and the
nation felt it……..but there is a change coming……my hope is that the new Trump
administration will rally the people to their best moments in their worst times not
because they say so, but because they lead so……
As Goes the King So Goes the Country……
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way!