Machine Gun Preacher
Triple Dipper:
1. Illegal Idiocy
2. Adventures in Woke World
3. Assassin's Creed
4pm: Grand Council w/Jeff Poor and Dale Jackson
1. Illegal Idiocy
2. Adventures in Woke World
3. Assassin's Creed
Rightside Way Monologue
I predict that the left is not going to give up easily……they are still reeling from the
election…..but they will soon enough catch their breath and then they will do all
they can to shut down conservative views….find a way to push a progressive
agenda….tear down principles, and rewrite history….its what they do……and when
they do that we are going to have some difficult situations as a nation, as a
culture, and as believers….. the left is not going to give up ground easily….they
have had a veritable buffet of overindulgence in the last 4 years and if you think
that they are going to let their salacious appetites for wokeness be curbed, or
their rampant desire for control be curtailed….well, your mistaken…..we have got
to be ahead of the game, as conservatives, as Christians, we cannot let our guard
down…..and let me tell you, it will be easy to become angry….don’t do it….and it
will be easy to become hateful….don’t do it…..and it will be easy to be
discouraged….don’t do it….but I tell you what else will be easy…..in the face of an
onslaught of liberal hatefulness it will become easier and easier to feel like things
are just too big for us to make a difference…..don’t do it…..
Seriously, how many times have I come on the air and told you all that you are the
resistance…..if you can hear this, right now, you are the resistance……you, the
grassroots of America, you are the actual fabric of this country, the salt of the
earth, and you need to know that no matter how little you may think of your own
capabilities, or your own difficulties, that you really can make a difference……
As I was thinking about this I was reminded of a story….a true story….about a guy
who doubted his own ability to do anything meaningful…..his life was too dark, his
past was too awful, his sins were too great, and yet he did amazing things
anyway…..The man’s name is Sam Childers…..
You can look him up….and I encourage you to do so….this guy who was so dark
and unable to see his way to the light became so well known that books and
movies have been written about him…..Sam Childers was born in 1963….by the
time he reached middle school he had begun a years long abuse of heavy
drugs…..he got his life straight enough to do a stint in the Marine Corps but after
his time in service he entered the world of outlaw biker gangs and specifically
rode with a group called the Highwaymen…..a gang with a long history of
racketeering, murder for hire, assault, drug trafficking, and theft……But despite
his lifestyle he married a woman named Lynn, and she had her own
issues…..Childers went to prison and when he got out he found that his wife had
quit her job as a stripper because she had accepted Christ as her savior…..he
didn’t know what to do with that and immediately went back to the biker life,
filled up with crime and drugs, until one night while stoned on heroin he almost
killed a man….it was a moment that brought him to his knees and he agreed to go
to church with this wife where he was radically saved…..so now he was Christian,
still rough as a cob but saved……but life wasn’t easy, his lifestyle had
consequences…..but he got stable work as a contractor, helped his best friend get
sober, and saw stability for the first time in years…..But in 1997 Childers went on
a mission trip to the continent of Africa, and spent time in war torn Sudan……in
Sudan he saw firsthand the brutality of a beastly warlord named Joseph Kony who
ran a massive insurgent criminal group called The Lords Resistance Army…..the
LRA was branded a terrorist organization and they were horribly brutal and
almost cult like in their way of doing things…..because of Kony and the LRA Sam
Childers saw firsthand the number of people who were maimed or
brutalized…..he saw children who would walk for miles to sleep near the
orphanage where he spent his time because it was safer than their villages……and
what he also saw were child soldiers….children who had been kidnapped from
their homes, made into slaves, brainwashed and taught to kill…..children as young
as 7-10 years old were called soldiers in Kony’s LRA……Sam Childers came home a
changed man…..he felt led to do something…..but what did he know? What could
he do? Who was he to believe that he could do anything? Look at his past……Look
at his troubles….he’s just getting to enjoy life……but he knew that he could not sit
idle and so he started an orphanage in South Sudan…..and he began to minister to
those kids….more than once he took up arms and fought the LRA in running gun
battles and rescued kids from being trafficked, or turned into mindless child
soldiers……he was strong and charismatic but he wasn’t perfect……he wrestled
with his own faith at times, he stretched the boundaries of what his family could
stand, he has some regrets to this day about some of the ways he pursued his
calling….but he has worked through those and to this day he still has hundreds of
children in Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia, who are in the care of his organization,
called “Angels of East Africa”…….And there are those who questioned his
methods….he was too rough they said…..he was too coarse they said……his
response was to ask them, “if a mad man came in and abducted your child and I
said to you I can bring your child home – does it matter how I bring them
home?”…….In 2011 Actor Gerard Butler starred in the movie “Machine Gun
Preacher” about the life of Sam Childers…..books and TV shows have been
dedicated to his remarkable story……in 2013 Sam Childers received the Mother
Teresa Award for Social Justice…..a former outlaw biker with a rap sheet as long
as your arm now saves lost children by the score and is given an award named
after Mother Teresa! Don’t tell me that you can’t do something…….Don’t tell me
that your life somehow disqualifies you from being effective……its just not true…..
If Sam Childers can do things that no one thought possible…..if he can make a
difference in the lives of others….then I’d say anyone can…..but still, maybe
you’ve got this overwhelming sense of inadequacy, that you don’t measure up…..I
get that, I understand it, and I can even relate to it……but its still not true…..
Keep in mind that the greatest names in history had their moments…..George
Washington had times when he doubted we could win the war….. Audie Murphy
was told he was too small for the Army and went on to win the Medal of
Honor…..football great Rocky Bleier suffered massive injuries in Vietnam and was
told he would never play football again but he came back and went on to become
a four time Superbowl champion…..even Moses, when he stood in front of the
burning bush and heard the voice of God call him to lead His people out of Egypt
actually asked God, “Who am I that you would send me?”…..Moses followed up
by telling God that he wasn’t a good speaker, that his words would get tangled
up, but in the end look what Moses did in spite of his initial feelings of not being
What I know is this….we are coming into a crucial year…..2025 is a year in which
we need all hands on deck…..our culture is at risk, our nation is floundering in
many ways, and we cannot wait…..there is a need for real and positive action
right now, and we need every single one of us in the fray…..you may think that
you’re not qualified, or that your background holds you back…..nah, look at the
Machine Gun Preacher and try to tell me that again…..
You get off the couch and get into the fray…..you find your purpose…..and when
you do that you will never get worn out…..oh, you’ll get tired, but you’ll never get
worn out…..because the person who finds their purpose and puts their hands to
it…..that’s a person who sleeps at night……that’s a person who makes a
difference……even if its only a little bit at a time……
Get in the fight……2025 is coming….and we have a country to take back…..
and that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way….