The Left Wants Our Kids
Triple Dipper:
1. Off the Grid
2. Droning On
3. Library Wars
3pm: Brad Viator
3:30: Butters & Lee
4pm: Erica Thomas
1. Off the Grid
2. Droning On
3. Library Wars
Rightside Way Monologue
Earlier this year I spent an entire show talking about the progressive agenda at
the US Space & Rocket Center’s Space Camp…..remember that? And I’m a fan of
Space Camp! A big fan. My daughter went there. I think its one of the coolest
things going…..but when Space Camp became alternative lifestyle camp with
activists pursuing a chance to flaunt their progressive values in the faces of kids
without parental consent…..well, that was a problem……
And then there’s the public library system….who would have ever thought that a
public library would be the epicenter of culture wars…..the library was always that
quiet mild-mannered place where it was safe to drop off your kids…..let them get
a book about Tom Sawyer, or study for the paper they have to write for
school……but more and more we are finding that public libraries…just like every
other bastion of goodness and rightness has become a place that activists try to
worm their way into…..for the past couple of years we’ve been telling you in
detail about the fact that Alabama libraries have been caught red-handed putting
books on sex and alternative lifestyles in childrens sections….setting up gay pride
displays…..drag queen story hours for small impressionable kids……and allowing
graphic novels that depict sex acts and transgenderism in the same shelves with
classic works and civics and history in the kids sections…..there is no good excuse
for this……sure, there is an “excuse” but there is no “good excuse”……the only
reason that these books exist is to get progressive left agendas into the hands of
kids and hope the parents don’t notice…..
So the Alabama Library Board passed regulations that ensures that parents know
…at least can have a say…..in what their kids have access to…..keep in mind the
parents pay taxes and the library is a public entity paid for with parents tax
dollars…..for some parents who can’t afford internet, computers, or even books,
the library represents something that they can’t otherwise provide to their
kids…..so the library board mandated that kids must have parental consent to
obtain a library card, and the parents will have a say in what they can
access…..Huntsville is putting a tiered parental authority in place for kids so that
parents can grant some access and limit others…..but libraries are also charged
with governing more strictly what any kids can access……and then Fairhope and
Spanish Fort went out there and put a book on their shelves…..in the teen section
no less……that is a graphic (and I mean graphic) step-by-step instruction guide
with illustrations on how to have sex, how to get into kink and fetish lifestyles,
how to be a transgender, and how to recognize that what your parents don’t
want you to do might not always be the right decision for you because you really
want to do it……who thought this was a good idea?!.....who was the book shopper
who saw the listing for this one and said, “hey here’s a great book for kids. Let’s
put this one on our shelves!”…..what knucklehead loaded this book into the set
the Dewey decimal system and thought “well this is a special one. I’ll categorize it
as nonfiction for children?”…….. 1819 News ran a story on it this morning and
pointed out that Watchdog website BookLooks.org rates the book a 4/5 for
"obscene sexual illustrations and commentary; obscene sexual nudity;
profanity; and alternate gender ideologies." And they have it in the teen
section……because that just made really good sense to someone who places
books on the shelves at the Fairhope and Spanish Fort libraries…….
It brought to mind that we should care about those who teach our kids and what
they teach them…..and what we know about who provides influential materials to
our kids……who is in a position to access our kids…..and parents, we have to be
vigilant because the left desperately wants out kids and they will stop at nothing
to get to them………
Alabama recently passed a major school choice bill….more so than ever before
parents are going to be given a say in the educational directions of their
kids……nationwide there is a focus, an emphasis if you will, on asserting that in
America we value our children and as such we want what is best for them…..best
for them in every way, which included wanting the best for them in education,
Libraries, and even Space Camp ……..As conservatives we want to know that our
children are being taught the best possible levels of reading, writing, arithmetic,
sciences, technology, history and civics…….in essence, we want an actual
education……and we want our kids to be safe……to feel valued…..to have positive
social interactions…..to be truly educated and not indoctrinated……we want to
know that as parents we can teach values and faith and patriotism and not have
some activist librarian, or alternative lifestyle teacher, determine that our
children are their blank canvas to do anything they want with them…….we want
our kids to have a real outcome based education that rewards success, and
remediates failure, but stays focused on what is best for the child…….sounds
reasonable? Right?.....Conservatives want our children to be educated…….liberal
progressives – they just want our children……
Liberals teach kids to keep secrets from their parents – which is not just a red flag,
it’s grounds for a fight……too often we are hearing of groups given access to kids
that teach young innocents to literally conspire with teachers to say or do things
that parents wouldn’t like and then not tell our parents…..
any teacher who tried to foist that kind of dogma on our kids would have been
looking for work the next day…….
But the stories keep coming…… they are happening every day….every single day
we are catching more glimpses into the activist factories that some schools and
libraries have become…… where every value, every belief, every patriotic vibe and
faith based position is laid bare and vacated by activists who pose as well meaning
enlightened adults who believe that children who can’t tie their own shoes or
count the coins in their piggy bank should be brought into the activists adult
world of bad decisions, bad choices, and bad idea……it happens every day now
and we are beginning to see it more and more………..and I will pause here and say
that I know and believe that the vast majority of educators and librarians are not
at all on board with the kind of indoctrination that I just described……they’re
not……there are patriots, and Godly influences in classrooms and libraries all over
the nation, and they have a calling to truly love and educate our kids……..but too
many of them are aware of what happens in the classroom next to theirs, or gets
put on the shelves in the kids section where they work…….but they are reluctant
to get involved, they don’t want to face the shouts and the aspersions, they are
afraid of being called racist, or homophobic, or bigoted….and so too many good
teachers and librarians just remain silent in the face of all the foolishness being
perpetrated by their coworkers……We need to know that the good folks who
work in our schools and stock the shelves at the library won’t sit idly by and say
nothing in the face of this woke indoctrination……
Parents will rally behind a good teacher or librarian who is willing to take back
their profession from the crazies who are trying to coopt it ……I guarantee you
that if a teacher sees a neighboring classroom being set up as so-called safe space
for kids to change their names, their pronouns, and allegedly their genders….or
the librarian sees a sex book being put into little Johnny’s hands…… and call it out,
well, they will have parents and concerned citizens rally to get their back……
But now that I’ve said that we’ve got to keep up our end of the bargain……gone
are the days where we can just turn a blind eye…..gone are the days where we
can just shrug our shoulders and say “that’s not my kid so its not my
fight”……progressive liberals want our kids, and if its not your kid today then it will
be your grandchild tomorrow….So if a good teacher or librarian……someone who
values children and truly values real education, takes a stand for one of those kids
then it is our mission to get their back…….you see it, you say it, and we get each
other’s back and never ever settle for letting progressives indoctrinate our kids
……find the good teachers, the good librarians, and thank them….stand with those
who say “no” to the bullies…..make sure that they know that they themselves are
And let’s guard the minds of our kids…..
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way!