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Lying Liars Lie

Triple Dipper:

1. Droning On
2. SEL
3. Lies and More Lies


3:30pm: JP on Sports

4pm: Emily Jones


1. Droning On

2. SEL

3. Lies and More Lies

Rightside Way Monologue

Over recent days I’ve seen several stories that just really got under my skin….just

ticked me off to be honest….stories about things that we were told weren’t real

suddenly being real……stories about so-called “conspiracy theories” no longer

being theories…….and yet, in each case we were told that to question, to wonder,

to dare to speak of these things was tantamount to treason……well, lets talk

about lying liars that lie……let’s talk about the violation of the public trust……

Some years back I saw a legal case through from start to finish……it was a case in

which one individual had been wrongfully terminated by employers who had

made certain promises……but when it all came down to it those employers chose

to axe the employee rather than have to keep their original promises…..the case

turned on a number of legal theories……there was the legal theory of at-will

employment versus contract, there was the legal premise of taking adverse action

against someone because of their military service…….there was also the question

of whether or not the promises made had induced the former employee to forego

other options in his life and whether that meant fraud……it was a legal case…..but

more than that, it was a case involving actual betrayal… was a case in which

hopes were lifted and dashed, and in which friendships proved to be only surface

relationships……….eventually the employee in that case who had been fired was

able to prevail…..a simple mediation resulted in him receiving some things due to

him by agreement without having to pursue the matter all the way to a

jury…….so, what did it? Was it the overwhelming evidence that lent to the validity

of the claims made? Was it that the lawyers had such amazing reputations for

courtroom prowess? Could it be that the Judge was known to favor employment

law victims?......the answer is “no” to all of the above… be sure, it was a good

case. The evidence was fairly strong in the terminated employees favor…….the

Judge was a good one but he was also known to be fair and to evenly apply the

law…….the real thing that drove that case to a successful conclusion was …….wait

for it…….”shame”……You heard me right. The real crushing blow to the defense

was the realization that while they might be able to argue their positions legally

that they could not do away with the claims made against them in the purely

social sense…..they knew that they themselves, and their business, and their good

name, would have to stand in front of a jury of their peers and try to explain with

a straight face why they felt that they could get away with their actions……why,

even though they might have had some inkling of legal authority in their favor,

that they could just ignore the fact that everyone would see that they had

lied………shame did it. Shame brought them to their senses……or at the very least,

shame made them question their ability to get away with it……..Shame and the

sudden realization that other people were going to see through their

façade…..Shame made them settle the case in hopes that it would go away…..

You see, there is a lot to be said for allowing a little sunlight to not only expose a

stain but to also wash it out……..bringing those matters out of the shadows and

laying them bare in the hard light of day is what moved that case to a successful

conclusion……yesterday, with regard to the so-called “January 6 th Insurrection” we

finally saw actually sunlight washing over the story that had been thrust on the

American public for the last 4 years……

In case you haven’t heard let me just back up and fill in the blanks for you……on

Monday night, March 6 th , 2023, 2 years and 2 months to the day after the events

of January 6 th 2021, Tucker Carlson was able to bring the first installment of his

expose on the unredacted surveillance video from the Capital……upon taking

office and assuming GOP control of the Congress Speaker Kevin McCarthy held to

his word and released all of the 41,000 hours of surveillance video that had

previously been kept under wraps…… many many many portions of the

unredacted video that completely destroyed the narrative foisted on the US

public for the past two years……so completely that I can’t help but wonder now if

the leaders of the House January 6 th Commission might not possibly be

experiencing some degree of shame today…….Shame at being caught…….but

now? Now we know, as of last night, from the FBI’s own Inspector General that

the FBI had nearly 3 dozen paid informants working in the crowd at the Jan 6

events at the Capitol……multiple of those paid FBI informants actually entered the

Capitol……and yet none of those informants has ever been charged with

anything…..Any. Thing…….

So the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, testified to Congress that his agency had

no one in the crowd but yet it was always something to wonder about…..did

they? Don’t be a conspiracy theorist! You’re an insurrection sympathizer!.....but

it was true…..all along…..and the reason we know these things is because of video

(their video) and an IG report (their IG report). I find it very interesting

(compelling really) that one month after the election…..and one day after Chris

Wray announced his resignation from the FBI…..that suddenly the truth comes

out…..could it be that they knew it would come out eventually and the shame of

being discovered made them settle the case?......

shame from knowing that betrayal is now in the eyes of the American

public……shame can be a motivator, and I wonder if the members of that

commission who so overwhelmingly told us of the awful and heinous attempts by

armed citizens to overthrow their own government for the past two years might

not feel a bit of shame as the story disintegrates in front of their eyes……shame

from making those stories so bare and unadulterated that people have had their

lives upended……Criminal charges, and plea deals, and trials, have all been

occurring that have resulted in people losing their livelihoods, their families, and

even their freedoms, and I wonder if anyone who perpetrated those falsehoods

thought for even a second that “hey, those who have been accused might have a

right to see this video since it includes layer upon layer of exculpatory

evidence”……..and hey, the FBI was in the crowd so maybe they have some

exculpatory evidence, some testimony, even if provided under seal to protect

their people……but no…..they just ran with the lies…..but now we see it….

Make no mistake……this has been a betrayal….it is something that many of us

have known in our gut but did not have the videotape to prove……we could feel

the gross lies but we couldn’t lay them bare yet in the bold light of day…..and now

we can…….

The lies were levied for purely partisan political reasons…….the lies were used to

send people to jail for the simply purpose of propping up the narrative that

violence and mayhem and insurrection were perpetrated and yet in the bright

light of day we can now watch in fascination….. and not a little bit of disgust….. as

Capital police opened doors, waved people in, let them take selfies, and even

toured them around to show them the next hallways and how to access the

House and Senate chambers……..and we know that the FBI knew enough, saw

enough, and perhaps even participated enough, to have dozens of its own paid

informants already in the crowd saying, doing, and reporting God knows what…….

I’m not going to pull punches…… we have been lied to, again, and again, and

again…… people who were elected or appointed to defend the public trust chose

to violate that trust, again, and again, and again…….I’m curious how long it is

going to take before the civil lawsuits and the criminal appeals begin……time and

effort in court because the light of day has exposed an entirely different

narrative….a narrative that brings a new and different version of events to the

forefront…..a new narrative that should elicit feelings of outright shame among

the chattering class and left wing demagogues who told us that they had our

back…….it is betrayal……there should be consequences and I hope that there

are……gross lies and videotape…….and hopefully a pound of shame……

Lying liars lie……and it needs to be dealt with……

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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