America is Back
Triple Dipper:
1. States Rights
2. Heavy Hand
3. Good Riddance
3pm: Stephanie Smith
1. States Rights
3. Good Riddance
Rightside Way Monologue
Did you ever see the Robin Williams movie called “Hook”?.....I loved that
movie…..it hit the theaters in 1991 – directed by Steven Spielberg and starred
Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, all in a classic recreation of the
story of Peter Pan…..but it takes a different twist on the old story because it starts
off with Peter Pan played by Robin Williams, all grown up, with a family of his
own, and responsibilities, and business to attend to……I won’t get into the whole
story but suffice to say it’s a great movie for the holidays coming up…..but there
was one scene that is one of the most incredible moments in modern movie
history…..you see, in the movie Peter Pan had forgotten who he was…..the once-
great Pan could not remember his childhood adventures….it was like a distant
dream….but now he couldn’t fly, he couldn’t fight, he couldn’t smile…..he was
just a stodgy grownup with no joy overwhelmed with the cares of life…..but then
came that scene when the Lost Boys found him….and they began to wonder if he
was really their Peter Pan….and the smallest of the Lost Boys came up and began
to touch his face, and push at the wrinkles, and touch the gray hairs, and then he
pushed back both of his cheeks and made a smile on Peter’s face and said, “Oh
Peter, there you are”….it was the moment that the Lost Boys knew Peter Pan was
back…..Peter Pan found himself and got back to really living……
Sometimes I feel like that is where America is…..we’ve lost the joy….the clutter
of serious life…..the inability to remember who we really are as a nation…..it’s as
if America has forgotten itself sometimes…….the past four years have been
hard…..Covid, and Covid lockdowns, civil unrest, epic inflation, a bumbling
White House, the loss of Afghanistan, the lack of a cohesive plan for our future, a
skewing of priorities, cancel culture, lawfare, transgender activism, BLM
accusations…….nothing about the past four years was at all what America is really
about but it did serve to stifle who we are…..in the midst of hard times Americans
began to lose some of the sense that this is the greatest nation on the face of the
earth…..we lost a sense of ourselves…..we were beaten down a bit, but the truth is
being on the ropes doesn’t mean the fight is over…..I sense a turning….there is a
real and present sense right now that America is clawing its way back to the joy of
living the adventure of being America….not just the business….not just the
seriousness…..the distant dream of what America was is on the return……we’re
going to find that smile and get back flying and fighting and living…..
I see it in many ways but one of the actual tangible ways that I see it is in events
like what we saw this past weekend….. President-elect Trump, Vice President-
elect JD Vance, and a whole host of patriots attended the annual Army-Navy
football game…..it was epic….it was so good…..it was also pointed out that Joe
Biden never once did that…..As the National Anthem was sung by cadets from
both West Point and Annapolis President Trump stood at attention and saluted…..a
military flyover followed….the crowd went wild…..it felt different….it felt
better….it felt like the America that has been missing for a few years……I’ve
heard it said that the Army-Navy game is one of the only sporting events you can
watch where every member of both teams is committed to the idea of giving their
life for every person watching the game……that’s humbling…..but its so
true…..and my sense is that this was not a one-time moment…..patriotism is
back…..pride in America is back…..peace thru strength is back……America is
Think back over the past four years under the Biden administration….. Is there
anyone in the middle east that feared Joe Biden?…..is there anyone in China who
believed that Chinese interests were better served by having a strong friendship
with the US?.....have the drug cartels and coyotes on the southern border had any
concern whatsoever with the US law enforcement?.....If oil prices are steep would
the OPEC nations pick up the phone when we called?......when we warned Russia
not to invade Ukraine, they did it anyway…..when we abandoned friends and allies
in Afghanistan the Taliban were emboldened. …….the world is filled with foreign
leaders who stopped valuing our friendship and had no fear of having us as an
enemy……that’s because the Biden Administration is filled with glass-ceiling-
breaking do-nothing America-bashing beta-people who insist that climate change
is the existential threat to our way of life and that your use of pronouns is the
clearest indicator of your worth…….
It is imperative that on the world stage our foreign policy has at its core the notion
that it is best to be our friend, and that if we extend the hand of friendship you
should not reject it…… We must build relationships to further the fight, and we
must fight to build those relationships…… Relationships forged through warrior-
diplomacy with the underlying thought that it is better to be our friend than our foe
should always be on their minds……but you can only do that when you walk in
the authority of who you are…..when you exude confidence in your position….
But the truth is that the Biden administration found that line of thinking
offensive…..they would rather that we “lead from behind” and apologize for being
the biggest dog on the international block……I’m not surprised to have seen
President Trump standing at attention and saluting during the Army Navy
game…..I’m equally not at all surprised that Joe Biden never did…..it’s how they
do things….its how they view the world……Trump believes in leading from a
position of strength and reminding people that being an American is gift from
God……Biden believed in apologizing for being strong……
For a number of years we have seen a leftist agenda that has stymied our national
pride….It is beyond time for civilian leaders to go back to a position of strength
and readiness…..not equity and wokeness…..The world is not a stable
place……even more so based on four years of the United States being dragged
through the Mad Hatters tea party…..we have to restore the sense of identity that
made us the cowboys of the world……we have to walk in our God-given authority
as a force for good, and a foe to evil…..It’s a sense of maintaining our national
honor……of not allowing someone else, much less a rogue group of violent
backward thinking hairy-knuckled misogynists to dictate our reputation on the
world stage…..our honor is of our making….it is a sacred matter not to be taken
lightly…..Because this is our country…..our home….our refuge….a place where
the sweat of our brow and the work of our hands has forged a future for our
kids…..our country where the generations before us labored, and fought and loved
and laughed to form a more perfect union…..
Duty, Honor, Country……far more than just a phrase……not some melodramatic
intonation of old-school promises…..its real to the vast majority of
Americans….sure, the network news want you to believe that Critical Race
Theory, Antifa, White supremicists, Black Lives Matter – that those things and
those fringe elements are the core of the system, in some way the true nature of
who we are…..They most certainly are not!....The core of our citizenry recognize
the value of our national heritage….The vast majority of Americans will fly the
flag, stand for the anthem, and volunteer for the cause…..Duty, Honor, Country….
We still have that full capability as a nation….as a military…..to fully engage this
process and to fix this situation…..to restore the pride and patriotism that has been
flagging for four long years…..
And I’m no rocket scientist…. I’m just a salty old Ranger who gets misty-eyed
when I see the flag waving…..I don’t know everything but I can see a few things
…..even from this side of the far horizon…..I can see a nation that is hungry for
leadership that reminds them of who they really are…..the biggest dog, the greatest
friend, the one who helps the hurting, and hurts the harmful…..the one that
promotes the good and opposes the bad…..the by God United States of
America….where it is better to be our friend than our foe any day….the kind of
nation that is willing to both Win Friends and Kill Enemies…..
The kind of nation that we have been….and still are….we just needed to be
Oh look America….there you are
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way……