Lions, Tigers, Bears and Christians....Oh My!
Triple Dipper:
1. Christian Nationalism OMG!
2. Pardon the Pardons?
3. Droning On
1. Christian Nationalism
2. Pardon the Pardons?
3. Droning On
Rightside Way Monologue
Do you remember the scene from Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and her
companions were following the Yellow Brick Road into the dark forest….it was a
scary place and yes, there was some creepy stuff in there…..I mean witches, flying
monkeys, that’s just creepy stuff…..but the fear of the unknown was their biggest
enemy….do you remember the scene….they marched along working each other
into a near frenzy saying, “Lions, tigers and bears…oh my!”…..only when it came
down to it they were misdirecting their anticipatory fears…..they never saw a tiger,
never saw a bear, and the only lion they saw was a coward who became their
friend…..their fears were misdirected….they were focusing their concerns on
something that wasn’t there and meanwhile there were actual wicked witches with
flying monkeys!......misdirected anticipatory fear….it’s like when we are kids and
we imagine monsters under the bed….there are no monsters under the bed….just
our imaginations…..
Well the left is doing that right now…..the left is marching down the yellow brick
road and the scary mantra is one from their imagination…..you can see it in their
writings, hear it from their pundits, and watch it in their Tik Tok videos….the left
imagines the scariest of scary things coming to get them in the dark of night…..the
left sees….wait for it….Christians!
You heard me….those rascally Christians are on the march….set to take over and
bring holy wrath upon the heathenish leftist mobs….lions, tigers, bears and
Christians….oh my!
The left likes to call it “Christian Nationalism”….they spent a week dissecting the
deep hidden meaning of Pete Hegseths tattoo of a Jerusalem Cross…..scary stuff
In February of 2023….National Public Radio, the uber-liberal media arm of the US
Government, funded with your tax dollars…..ran a story in which they made the
audacious, salacious and somewhat contumacious claim that “more than half of
Republicans support Christian nationalism”……say it ain’t so! You mean there
are people out there who believe in Jesus and love America?!....heresy!.....NPR
went on to describe it as a long held fringe viewpoint which has recently gained a
foothold in American politics, and particularly in the GOP…..according to the
survey that was the centerpiece of NPR’s screeching piece on the ills of being a so-
called Christian Nationalist the adherents of Christian Nationalism will supposedly
go to great lengths to impose their vision of the country
…..hmmm…..“Impose”…..I’ve never actually met someone who could ever
“impose” a Christian faith…..Here's the bottom line…..I love Jesus and I believe
that he is Lord, and I love the United States of America, and I believe that it is the
greatest country on the face of the earth…..I believe in the Bible and I support and
defend the Constitution…..Am I wrong for doing so? I don’t think so…..Can I do
both? Can I be a Christian and be a patriot at the same time…..I’m pretty
comfortable with it…..but the screechers will tell you that you can’t mix politics
with faith…..I would reply that my faith cannot be separated from me and if I am
in politics that my faith naturally goes with me…..You don’t have to believe what I
believe…..that’s the beauty of Christianity, it is a freely made decision, a matter of
choice in both heart and mind…….And you don’t have to love this country….the
Constitution guarantees you that right…..but the same Constitution guarantees me
the right….the actual right….to believe what I believe and to say so…..I am
perfectly content, and find no disparity in the idea that I can love the Lord and love
my country, and because I love the Lord I want my country to know him like I
do….it’s really as simple as that….does that make me a “Christian
Nationalist”?.....maybe so….I’ll wear that t-shirt every day of the week…..
“but Phil! What if you’re wrong? What if God’s not real?”…..really? okay. What
if I’m wrong? What have I lost? I have committed my belief system to a faith that
calls me to be “strong and courageous”….to seek wisdom….to be faithful to my
wife and to extend charity to others…..to take strong stands…to have hope…to
have a strong work ethic…..to not live in excess…..so really, if my faith isn’t real
(although I believe that it is) then what have I lost?…..nothing….. If I’m wrong
about God then I’ve lost nothing. But if non-believers are wrong about God, well,
they’ve lost everything…..so yep, I reckon I’m a Christian Nationalist – Guilty as
But I’ll tell you….the same knuckleheads that would conjure up the ridiculous
narrative that loving the Lord and loving America makes us dangerous are actually
moving forward with the intent to brand us that way…..in my estimation there is
an assault on Christianity that is ongoing right now…..the liberal progressives at
the Center for American Progress published a piece just last year that labeled
Christian Nationalism as the single biggest threat to America’s religious
freedom….what? oh, they went there……the claim was made in their tedious
screed that Christian Nationalists seek to undermine democracy and make America
a nation for Christians only which could lead to violence and discrimination
especially, they claim, against LGBTQ2IA+ people, women, and other religious
minorities….hmmmm…I’ll be honest I’ve never met a Christian who believes
that…..not one….I’ve met plenty who, like me, pray for revival….but never one
that said America is for Christians only……I’ve had friends and loved ones who
didn’t believe like me….I’ve gone to war alongside men who didn’t believe like
me….but nonetheless, the progressive left is determined that Christians who love
America are somehow the problem….. the nationally known Brookings Institution
hosted a forum not long ago on the threat of White Christian Nationalism…..oh,
now its racial too….in the opening lines of the introductory website for the forum
it stated that “the rising influence of white Christian nationalism in some circles of
American politics is posing a major threat to the health of our democracy and
culture.”……well, there’s some hogwash…..
But folks, they won’t be content until they can eradicate your deeply held beliefs of
God and country…..and I believe that the day is coming when we will have to be
prepared to choose…..the same America where your tax dollars paid for the NPR
attack on so-called Christian Nationalism, where the FBI internal memos directed a
strong investigative predisposition against traditional Catholics….where
grandmothers who pray outside of abortion clinics are put in jail…..that same
America is seeing a resurgence in faith…..despite the left’s never ending effort to
refute, rebuke, and resist the idea of a loving all-present God there is a turning right
now in America…..one recent study said that Bible sales are rapidly increasing and
that the highest number of those are going to first time buyers…..people who did
not already have a Bible are now putting them in their homes…..At the same time
we are seeing a radical wonderful resurgence of patriotism…..we are tired of being
told that we are no good….that we must apologize for being a great nation…..no
more of that! We’re done with feckless leadership…..America is back….and
Christianity is on the rise……you see, the reality is that the Bible gives us
perspective, and the Constitution guarantees our right to the free exercise of
faith…..period…end of story…..in America, unless we abdicate our rights the
default is always to err on the side of liberty…..in essence, I have to be a Christian
Nationalist…..Christ is why I live and America is where I live…..and if I separate
one from the other in my mind then I am likely to lose the protections of
both…..without God I am lost, and without the Constitution I can have my worship
of God denied by others……
Christian Nationalism……sure….if you need a label to put on someone who loves
the Lord and loves America and believes that the two go well together, go ahead,
label me that……If I’m wrong I’ve lost nothing…..but if they’re wrong they’ve
lost everything…..You get ready folks…..the day is drawing near
And that’s a wrap on the Rightside Way