Watch Out For Good Idea Fairies
Triple Dipper:
1. Illegal Numbers
2. Military Minded
3. Leading From The Front
1. Illegal Numbers
2. Military Minded
3. Leading From The Front
Rightside Way Monologue
I have a theory that generally speaking people are lazy…..not everyone, but a lot of
them are…..just plain lazy…..because of that inherent laziness that I see in other
people there are things that I do differently…..I mean it…..
- If there are two water fountains and one of them is the short water
fountain…..I drink from the short one because most people won’t bend over
that far…..check me on this….next time take a look and I bet you will see
that the short fountain is dry from lack of use…..it’s about drinking from the
cleanest fountain
- In the Wal-Mart parking lot I generally park a little further out…..I will be
parked quicker and in the store than the folks who lap the parking lot 5 times
looking for the spot that will save them 20 steps of walking…..it’s about the
shopping not the parking…..
- If I go to a restaurant that has self-serve drink dispensers I look for the drink
I want that is available in the furthest drink dispenser from the
counter….people won’t step two steps to the side if they don’t have to and
that means I’m more likely to get the best drink with the most fizz…..it’s
about the best drink, not the convenience….
- And don’t even get me started on people who won’t replace the toilet paper
roll….there’s a special place in Heaven for people who always replace the
roll for the next person……just sayin’
But these things….while they may sound amusing…..they’re really about
priorities…..they’re about getting something done….they’re about remembering
what the actual mission is and being willing to do the hard thing if necessary to get
the job done….to get to the goal…..everything from National Security to fizzy
fountain drinks…..having priorities in order is part of what drives mission
There’s a lot to be said for having priorities in order…..not to be confused with so-
called “good ideas”…..priorities are meant to be the most important things, the
issues or challenges or tasks that are to be done first and foremost because they
carry the most weight, achieve the highest outcomes, work toward the better
good…..but “good ideas”…..those are just neat things that people dream up that fit
their agenda but don’t speak to the greatness of actual achievement….we used to
joke in the Army that you could always tell when the “Good Idea Fairy” flew
through the room and sprinkled magic idea dust…suddenly we had new acronyms,
new minutiae, new bureaucracy…..but the Good Idea Fairy rarely had anything
that made us more combat effective….because good ideas are not always in line
with actual priorities…..
As an Airborne Infantry Officer, and a graduate of the US Army Ranger School, I
spent a good bit of time having certain things hammered into me. …..when you are
on patrol and you come to an extended halt you set up a patrol base….a defensible
site, off the beaten path, where you can finalize preparations for whatever mission
you happen to be on…..but in all of that training and field testing it was hammered
over and over to engage any patrol base activities in light of what we called
“priorities of work”…..why would that be?......Because left to their own
devices….in the heat of the moment….people are lazy…..generally
speaking…..people will too often default to their personal comfort…..they will
sleep, eat, and feel sorry for themselves unless the leader of the patrol maintains
the discipline of ensuring the priorities of work are accomplished…..
Here’s how that goes……you patrol as a part of small unit tactics…you arrive to
your intermediate point prior to actions on the objective….you set up your patrol
base from which you operate the final stages of the mission……
If left to their own devices there are many light infantry guys that would go
immediately into rest……get some chow…..they would grumble about their sore
feet…..that’s why you go into it with the understanding that there are things that
you will do first and foremost…..in certain order…..and delay that need for
personal comfort and gratification until all else is done….
Generally speaking upon locating your site for the patrol base you put immediate
effort into security, establish a withdrawal plan, ensure communications are
established, prep for the next phase of the overall mission, conduct weapons and
equipment maintenance, resupply water, and only then do you get into eating and
rest…..because if you do that then you will increase your survivability….and if
you increase your survivability….you will increase your lethality….and if a unit
does these things then it will increase the likelihood of mission success…..
Sounds reasonable……priorities of work…..key word priorities!
In 1942, Admiral Chester Nimitz was told that the premier aircraft carrier in the US
Navy, the U.S.S. Yorktown, had been too severely damaged at the Battle of the Coral Sea
….the Yorktown had been hit by a 551-pound armor-piercing bomb that had smashed
through the flight deck and obliterated six compartments and much of the ship’s lighting,
radar and refrigeration systems…… When the Navy told Nimitz the Yorktown needed
90 days of repairs, he replied, “We must have this ship back in three days.” ……To
accomplish that goal, Nimitz waived safety regulations and ordered 1,400 repairmen to
work around the clock…… The power demands of the repair work were so great that
blackouts rolled through Honolulu……. But the Yorktown made it out of drydock as
ordered just days later and ended up turning the tide at the U.S. Navy’s most decisive sea
battle: Midway……it was an epic moment of a leader recognizing that priorities were not
the comfortable route….priorities were about doing what was needed to accomplish the
mission….the mission was not making sure that everyone in the shipyard got home on
time for dinner, or felt comfortable and unburdened in their work environment…..the
mission was to win the war and the USS Yorktown was needed back in action to meet
that mission……
Wouldn’t it be amazing if politicians realized that the common defense is not met
by uncommon good idea fairies who prance through the room sprinkling good idea
fairy dust?......
Remember Biden’s Build Back Better Plan?.....A bill that Pelosi blew through the
House filled with trillions of dollars in climate change activism, social justice and
big government spending on good ideas…..it stalled in the Senate when Joe
Manchin balked at it…..but then he came around and sold out for a slightly
reduced version and we got the infamous trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act
that inflated our economy and drove inflation to 40 year highs…..the priorities
were completely out of whack….there was no sense of reason….no sense of the
priorities of work that actually stimulate an economy…..that’s because it was never
about the economy….it was about funding the good idea fairy….
Remember the pullout from Afghanistan?......was the mission really to end the
war?.....Well, wouldn’t it seem reasonable to ensure that all Americans were
actually out of Afghanistan before announcing mission success….before assigning
massive aid to the Taliban…..that’s because it was never about prioritizing actual
American interests….it was about funding the good idea fairy…..
What about Title 9?.....suddenly its okay for men to play in womens sports……It
would seem reasonable to think that for a White House study to issue a
proclamation on gender equality that they wouldn’t first have destroyed Title 9 by
pushing for transgenders in female sports…..but it was never about prioritizing
women….it was about answering the call of the good idea fairy……
I also find it odd that it was deemed necessary to ensure that the State Department
had a full day devoted to advancing the use of made-up pronouns as opposed to
working the issue of advancing American foreign policy……because it was never
really about what is good for America….it was about advancing the causes of the
good idea fairy…..
I could go on here….but the point is that the left has immersed themselves in
chasing the easy roads, the crazy roads, the roads to perdition, none of which are
really about the actual mission of securing the best for America…..
Picture the United States as one big patrol base……
- Are we setting up security first? Are we ensuring that communications are
clear and concise? Did we prioritize adequate care for our mission essential
equipment? Did we facilitate adequate planning for movement and the next
phase of the operations? Or did the administration just slip into what was
comfortable…..what addressed their personal needs……
When a patrol base is shoddily established the troops are at risk…..it is no different
here and now with the manner in which the Biden administration has been running
Priorities of work? …….What priorities?......They aren’t evident to many……not
at all…..just a bunch of Good Idea Fairies with no real sense of the mission
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way