Just Do It
Triple Dipper:
1. Lead From The Front
2. DEI: Make It Stop Now
3. Magic City = Tragic City
4pm: Grand Council w/Jeff Poor and Dale Jackson
1. Leading From The Front
2. DEI: Make It Stop Now
3. Magic City = Tragic City
Rightside Way Monologue
Last night Charlene and I were talking about all of this….how did I get on the
radio? How did it turn into a media company with podcasts and syndication and
written op-eds that get published?......this is crazy, and I’m not going to lie, some
of our discussion centered on the fact that it has not always been easy…..not by
any stretch…..and that reminded me about a life lesson from years ago….. a very
real very memorable very personal story that I’m about to relate to ya’ll…..it’s a
life lesson that I learned years ago when I was in the swamps at Army Ranger
School…..it deals with the “why” of the fact that I am now doing radio……because
the “why” is the most important part…..the “how” is also key, but if you don’t
know the “why” of what you do then nothing ever truly lines up…..
but before I do that let me lay the foundation……So many of you remember
Boomer’s voice being on the air with me all the time……he’s a great friend, and
I’ve known his family for years…..Boomer did an amazing job running the board
and keeping all the tech straight around here….. His folks have been there for us
many times and are some of the people from whom we’ve sought prayer and
counsel more than once…..His Dad even designed the Rightside Radio logo…..so
one night Charlene and I were having dinner at a local BBQ place with his parents
and his Dad asked me for some insight regarding a decision he was in the middle
of….and it reminded me of a personal story….a lesson that I had learned years
ago….but as I related my story to him to get to the point I realized that the
conversation we were having, his question/my answer, was as much for me as it
was for him…..it was the moment that God sort of brought that lesson back to
mind and it hasn’t left me since…..Why do we do what we do? Can we get it
done? What is my calling in the midst?
So here’s the backstory…..in 1991 I got orders to go to Army Ranger School……I
was in my 20’s and full of vinegar…..Ranger School was a dream for me, a true
bucket list item…..I wanted to wear that Ranger Tab on my left shoulder so bad I
could hardly stand it……so as a young Lieutenant I won the right to go and took off
for the Ranger Training Brigade headquarters at Fort Benning, Georgia…..I could
write a book about what to do….and most of it would actually be on what not to
do…..back when I went through the course there were still four phases…..several
weeks at the Benning Phase where they weed you out, wear you out, train in
hand-to-hand combat, small unit tactics, and validate your individual soldier
skills….then came the Mountain phase in north Georgia where I got frostbite on
my toes….then to the swamps in north Florida, where my frostbite turned to
trench foot……and then out to the desert in Utah which was equally crazy…..every
phase had its own specific training and its own epic level challenges…..but what
most folks don’t know is that Ranger School is certainly skill and knowledge
heavy, its an endurance test of the highest order…….but Ranger School is
primarily a leadership course and to graduate you have to have successfully led a
series of missions in the various environments…..to add to my fun and enjoyment
it was winter….January to be exact…..450 entered the course on day one….250
made it past that point…..98 are in my graduation photo….but at one point in the
swamps of Florida I was exhausted to the point of hallucinating but I was in
charge of an ambush patrol….none of my guys could function….dudes would
literally fall asleep standing up while I was briefing the operations order…..nothing
was working and I realized that we were going to fail the mission, I wasn’t even
sure we could start of the mission…..and I thought to myself in the early hours of
that cold wet dawn in the swamps that I was about to fail Ranger school after all
that I had been through……
So I remember distinctly that I was standing there feeling miserable, out of
control, and unsure what else I could do…..and I just talked to God for 3
seconds….literally, it was a 3-second one-sided sort-of kind-of prayer…..I suppose
it could be categorized as a prayer but it was really just me conversing with him,
straight up, no flowery language, no opening lines, no Amen….I remember saying
(out loud I believe) “Well God, if you want me to be a Ranger then I will. And if
you don’t then I’ll go home and be proud of that too.”…..what happened next is
more than I can describe…..it was one of the most profound experiences of my
life…….and when I say that I do not say it lightly……Right after I said that little 3-
second prayer I suddenly had the biggest wave of relief wash over me like I’ve
never felt before or since….it felt like someone poured warm water over my head
because I literally warmed up…in the winter, in the wet swamps…..I felt actual
heat wash down over me starting at the top of my head and working its way
down to my toes……I went from freezing and miserable to warm and relieved…..I
think I even chuckled which probably made some of the guys who were actually
awake think that I had lost it…..but then it didn’t stop there…..because all of a
sudden everything came online…..guys got energy and alertness that they didn’t
have before…..the men rucked up, locked and loaded, and we hit the SP, laid on
the ambush site for a perfectly executed set of actions on the objective….and the
long story short is “yes”….I passed the swamp phase, went on to pass the desert
phase, and Charlene came to Fort Benning and pinned my Ranger Tab to my
My point in that story….what I told Boomer’s Dad that night at dinner, and what I
am reminded of once again…..is that I learned at that moment – in that 3 second
talk with God – what it means to “cease striving and know that He is God”…..if he
opened a door then my scratching, clawing, fretting, ducking, and diving is my
making a situation more difficult than it had to be…..sometimes my role in the
opportunities presented by a God that I really believe in is just “To Do”…..Just. To.
I love the Message paraphrase of the Bible…..sometimes it makes the grand
language of the Word come to life and one of my favorite examples of that is
Ephesians 2:10 which the Message translation says this way:
“He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good
work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”…..think
about that…..”work he has gotten ready for us to do”……
Now I’ll be candid and note that I’m not always good at that….if you haven’t
already noticed I am a type-A personality that doesn’t sit still very well……I’m
prone to say trite things like “sleep is highly overrated”, or “scars are just symbols
of an active lifestyle”……me personally, I’d rather be a sheepdog than a sheep any
day……but there are times when I have to recognize that God’s intent is even
more than what I think it is…..I went to Ranger School to be an Army Ranger…..I
came away as an Army Ranger but with life lessons about my own limitations, my
own abilities, but more than anything my own better appreciation for the fact
that I serve a big God who sometimes swings open a door and says “Just Do”…..
And that my friends is why, at this stage in my life, with every reason not to do so,
I am hosting a daily radio show……not because I sought an opportunity to spend
hours preparing so that I can spend hours talking….not because I thought there
was some cool factor…..but because an opportunity dropped into place and after
much prayer and deliberation I realized that my role was to “Just Do”……
If God wanted me to be a Ranger then I would….and if he didn’t then I would go
home and be proud of that too…..
If God wanted me to be a radio guy then I would….and if he didn’t then I would go
home and be proud of that too…..
My impression is that he’s not done here…..Rightside Radio has already become
Rightside Media……radio has grown into podcasts and more are coming…..one
station became several stations…..written ideas became published op-eds…..and I
don’t really even know where it is all going…….and I really wish it would all be
But I know that if this is where he has placed me then I will do it, and I will be
proud of that too…….so my role, my mission, my reason for doing it……the
“why”…….is because God gave it to me to do……. my job is “Just To Do”…….
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way