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What Did You Do With The Children?

Triple Dipper:

1. Do It For The Kids!
2. Power & Influence
3. The World Stage


3pm: Jared Hudson

3:30: Butters & Lee


1. Do It For The Kids!

2. Power and Influence

3. The World Stage

Rightside Way Monologue

Yesterday the world saw the most incredible display of first world jackassery…..At

the Supreme Court of the United States… of the most respected and well

preserved bastions of the rule of law in the entire world…..a place where allegedly

legal jurisprudence is supposed to meet with common sense and render

precedents that affect literally hundreds of millions of people, and have

tangential effects on billions of others around the world……the Supreme Court

heard oral arguments by a woman pretending to be a man arguing in favor of

mutilating young children because they were supposedly born in the wrong

bodies……we have slipped off into some kind of post-apocalyptic mayhem……in

my opinion there are some things for which a nation will be judged…..some things

that future generations will look back on and literally judge their ancestors on

how they responded…..we look back on the Salem witch trials now and are

repulsed by it, but it happened…….we look back on slavery now and are repulsed

by it, but it happened…..we look back on the genocide of Jews and are repulsed

by it, but it happened.….and I believe that how we as a modern generation act

right now, to care for and protect our kids……that is something that future

generations will judge us for……

nationwide there is a focus, an emphasis if you will, on asserting that in America

we value our children and as such we want what is best for them… for them

in every way, ……..As conservatives we want to know that our children are being

taught the best possible levels of reading, writing, arithmetic, sciences,

technology, history and civics…….in essence, we want an actual education……and

we want our kids to be safe……to feel valued… have positive social

interactions… be truly educated which includes having an outcome based

education that rewards success, and remediates failure, but stays focused on

what is best for the child…….sounds reasonable? Right?.....Conservatives want our

children to be educated…….liberal progressives – they just want our

children……news broke yesterday that the Chicago Teachers Union is demanding

that transgenderism be incorporated into their teaching curriculum…..on the one

hand they will teach science, ostensibly biology, and they will teach grammar,

which includes the correct use of pronouns, and they will keep order in the

classroom and not allow bullying…..but then they flip the script to get to the


Think back to your own school days… you remember those times when we

were taught to keep secrets from our parents? To literally conspire with our

teachers to say or do things that our parents wouldn’t like and then not tell our

parents…..just to enjoy the salacious nature of having a trusted adult to help us

rebel against our own family?.....You don’t remember doing that? Neither do I.

None of us do. Because its wrong and any teacher who tried that back in the day

would find themselves out on their ear.

Ok, never mind that one. But I’m sure that you all recall those halcyon days of

learning when you sat in biology class and learned about the fundamentals of

biology, anatomy and physiology, and took tests on the topics and even though

the textbooks told you what was what you were also told by your teachers that

despite having to pass the test that it was all hogwash in reality and that the

textbooks were wrong because any male could be a female and vice

versa…..simply by identifying……you don’t remember that? Neither do I. None of

us do. And any teacher who tried that one would be run out of town on a rail.

Well, but what about that time when we were taught in English class to use the

proper pronouns based upon the standards of use for the English language……and

then went down the hall to our next class and had another teacher tell us that we

can misappropriate pronouns for our own satisfaction and that she can be for a

he, and that They/them can be used on a singular person…..wait….that didn’t

happen in my school….. and I guarantee it didn’t happen in yours either….but it

does now, far too often, and any teacher back in the day that attempted this tripe

would be sent packing forthwith…every single day we are catching more glimpses

into the activist factories that some schools have become……schools where every

value, every belief, every patriotic vibe and faith based position is laid bare and

vacated by activists who pose as teachers……it happens every day now and we are

beginning to see it more and more………

Another shocking story comes from our southern border as hundreds of

thousands of unaccompanied young children have inexplicably streamed into our

country…..some as young as 2 years old….showing up at the border by themselves

with nothing but a phone number written on their arms…..and the Biden

Administration has allowed these precious ones to come into our care and then

promptly lost them…..and I don’t mean a few…..a recent report from the

Inspector General of ICE…..within the Biden Administration(!) details the awful

statistic that the Biden Admin has allowed over 300,000 young minor children to

enter the US unaccompanied and now has no contact for them… knowledge

of where they are……just gone into the ether with only the hope that they are

safe and not being trafficked and abused……

children in America too often face the social contagion of constant pressure to

follow their own truth, get medical intervention and even surgeries wind up more

often than not with a lifetime of counseling and medication……. we have a society

that will tell a child that they need to understand, accept, and even participate in

adult versions of sexuality….even to the extent of allowing children who cannot

drive, legally sign a contract, marry or join the military, make a decision that they

are not what their biology says they are…….We have reached the zenith of social

schizophrenia, on the one hand telling a child we are going to “affirm” them,

while on the other demanding that they be treated altered because they were

made wrong……we claim to value children as important, as dear to us, and yet we

callously have a national policy of allowing vulnerable children to wander across

our borders and then be farmed out to alleged family members and promptly

wash our hands of them and write them off the books……

We have to reign this in…..They will be adults soon enough, if they make it that

far…..and how will they remember their childhood… are a gift from God and

we are called to be good stewards of His gifts…..That’s why I’m concerned……our

nation is on the one hand doing all that we can for kids, and on the other we are

destroying them at a rate never before seen…..

……gone are the days where we can just turn a blind eye…..gone are the days

where we can just shrug our shoulders and say “that’s not my kid so its not my

fight”……progressive liberals want our kids, and if its not your kid today then it will

be your grandchild tomorrow….it will be that sweet neighbor’s kid who plays in

the yard… will be the little minions that run in the hallways of your church, and

play on the playground on the corner, and get too loud in the grocery

store…….this my friends, is a fight for all of us!

As a nation, as a culture we are going to be held accountable one day……future

generations will look back on this time…… and what will they say about us? …….it

is not enough to say that we were good stewards with our possessions, or our

skills and talents, or our natural resources, or our time……one of the greatest

forms of stewardship that any culture can be measured against is the simple

question: “What did you do with the children?”…….

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way!

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