Drying In The American Dream
Triple Dipper:
1. Home Fries
2. America First
3. Identify As Americans
1. Home Fries
3. Identify As Americans
Rightside Way Monologue
I don’t know if you’ve been watching but the winds of change are blowing
hard…..it’s almost difficult to keep up…..everything from banning gay pride flags
at schools, putting tariffs on Canada, arresting and deporting illegal immigrants,
executive orders on energy production, banning DEI in the military, you name
it…..and it is happening at a blistering pace!.....my job is to keep up with it so that
I can inform you all about it and I’ll be honest I’m having to pick and choose what
to cover because sometimes having 3 hours a day and multiple podcasts just isn’t
enough bandwidth to cover it all…..but I don’t say that like I’m complaining…..not
at all…..what we are watching in my opinion is the restoring of the American
A few years ago Charlene and I built a house…..we had lived in the house prior to
that one for 24 years…..but the day came when we began to dream about
building a house that had features that we designed, we wanted…..spaces that
would bless our family, creating a welcoming atmosphere, places we could share
with friends, it was a dream…..so we went through the whole process from soup
to nuts…..we chose a design…..changed the design…..chose a contractor….got
bids and estimates…..secured our financing…..and broke ground…..and it was not
always fun…..I’m a pretty handy guy but I’ve never built a house…..I learned all
kinds of things…..and I’ve learned in reality that sometimes the things that you
can’t see later are what take the longest and make the house the strongest…..and
one of those moments that we had to wait for was what the contractor folks call
“getting it dried in”…….
"Getting a house dried in" means that the exterior of the house is completely
weatherproofed…..all walls and roof sheathed, windows and doors installed, and
a weather-resistant barrier applied…..basically making the house secure to rain so
it marks the point where the building envelope is considered complete and
protected from the elements…..it ain’t sexy, its not the finish work, but its key to
being able to move forward…..I once lived in a neighborhood where a contractor
built what are referred to as “spec houses”…..those are speculative homes that
are built with no buyers in mind…..this contractor almost ruined our
neighborhood as he built one spec house after another….and before he dried one
in he would start another…..and pretty soon we had rotting weed ridden half
houses all over our beautiful neighborhood…..there is no wisdom in moving on to
work another house when you haven’t dried in the first one…… in my opinion,
what we are watching right now is the Trump administration working as quickly as
possible to get the American Dream dried in…..the Biden Admin through
everything it had into open borders globalism and left us to rot like an old spec
house……we have to secure the structure of the nation, solidify the
weatherproofing of our economy, our borders, our security apparatus, our
culture, …..
We’ve spent the last four years watching as the American Dream was spit on by
the progressive left…..they trashed not just our country, but even “who we are”
as a country……nothing was sacred, anything goes, values meant nothing, faith
was mocked……There is a liberal mantra out there that says the American dream
is gone. That our nation is only for the privileged, or the rich, or certain racial
demographics……and that systemically our nation has made it unrealistic for some
to rise because all power is vested in few……that somehow the ability to rise up
and achieve success, or to accumulate wealth, or to be fulfilled, has been stymied
and therefore the few must “pay their fair share” so that an equitable distribution
may be made to those who don’t have their own “fair share”……they call this
“equity”…..but “equity” was never the root basis for the American Dream……But
what we are watching right now as Trump works to get America dried in should
not surprise anyone…..he said this would be exactly what he would do…..In his
final speech on the eve of the recent election he swore that what you are seeing
now is exactly what would happen……
“My message to Americans tonight is simple: we do not have to live this way. We
do not have to settle for weakness, incompetence, decline, and decay,” he went
on to say, ““We’ll help the world – a lot of people think we’re isolationists, we’re
not – but we want the world to appreciate what we’re doing. They have to
appreciate that we’re helping them,” he added. “I will restore peace in the world
and I will rescue the American dream,” Trump said. “Together, we will begin the
four greatest years in the history of our country, and we will launch the most
extraordinary economic boom the world has ever seen.”
The actual phrase “American Dream” is said to have been coined by a historian
named James Truslow Adams in the first half of the 20 th century in his book Epic of
America…..Adams said, “the American dream, that dream of a land in which life
should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each
according to his ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European
upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown
weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely,
but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to
attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized
by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or
Ronald Reagan once said that, “the American dream is not that every many must
be level with every other man. The American dream is that every man must be free
to become whatever God intends he should become”. I have also seen the
American Dream defined as “the belief that anyone, regardless of where they
were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of
success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone.”…..and we
know that there have been struggles for it…..struggles not to create equity as
liberals would try to persuade us, but rather struggles to remove the barriers that
were put in place to prevent the American dream from being attainable…..Martin
Luther King Jr., in his “Letter from a Birmingham jail” didn’t call for handouts…..he
made his plea to simply allow that men and women of any color could pursue life
without inhibition…..King said at one point, “We will win our freedom because the
sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our
echoing demands ... when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch
counters they were in reality standing up for what is best in the American dream
and for the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage, thereby bringing
our nation back to those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by
the Founding Fathers in their formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration
of Independence.”
Do we have that now? …..I believe the answer is “yes”…..yes in all caps……a big fat
yes!.....is there work to do….certainly……every good house starts with tending the
foundation, setting in the framing, ensuring good design, and then getting it all
dried in so that the finish work can take place…..the same is true of the American
Dream….if we are going to see the next generation have the ability to succeed,
and not just strive, but actually thrive, then we have to do all we can to dispel the
notions that we must spend ourselves into oblivion giving so-called equitable
shares to those who have been deemed somehow less capable…..we have to take
charge of our economy and ensure that we have a good foundation before we
move on to sending out trillions in foreign aid to others…..we have to secure our
borders because without a border you don’t really have sovereign territory and
rule of law…..we have to become energy independent so that bad actors on the
world stage will not have the upper hand against us by setting the prices and
availability of the energy we need in the modern world……and I suspect that some
of it is going to be a bit painful….some prices may go up in the short term…..some
allies are getting their feelings hurt….some enemies are bowing up and calling out
for reprisal……but we’re already seeing things come around…..its amazing what
can happen when the guiding principle is to get the house fully dried in…..
We’re still a good nation…..we will help the oppressed….we will be strong allies to
our friends….we will be good neighbors to our neighboring nation…..but we’ve
got to get this house dried in first…..the American Dream is real….but it requires a
true foundation…..all you have to do to maintain the American Dream is get this
house dried in and it will be everything you’ve ever hoped to see…..
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way!