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We Need Statesmen!

Triple Dipper:

1. Identify As Americans
2. No Sanctuary
3. Home Fries


4pm: Grand Council w/Jeff Poor and Dale Jackson


1. Identify As Americans

2. No Sanctuary

3. Home Fries

Rightside Way Monologue

If you really want to freak someone out tell them that you don’t care what

happens to you as long as the victory is achieved……really, you’re naysayers won’t

know what to say to that……folks who don’t have a broader view of the world

never really know what to make of someone who tries to see and do the bigger

things……because most naysayers are the ones who have a single issue in mind

and only see one way to handle that issue……they don’t get it when someone

comes along who is willing and able to put in the time, the sacrifice, the hardship,

to make things better for more than themselves…….and in politics those people

who are willing to accomplish the big stuff that means more than just their own

petty reelection or little district……they are called statesmen……

Oftentimes that strength to pursue something bigger comes from having been in

a fight and emerging from it intact… learn from it, you grow from it, you

realize that you can hit and get hit and still keep moving…..overcoming adversity

makes you appreciate what you have all the more and it creates a different

view….a view that things can get done, big things, things that some people recoil

from because they still fear getting hit…..that’s why its so important for a football

team to practice in full pads and trade blows on the practice field, so that they

don’t avoid the hits they need to endure to win the game…..that’s why boxers

have sparring partners, so that they learn to trade blows for the big

match……that’s why General Norman Schwarzkopf said “the more you sweat in

training the less you bleed in war”…….and in politics, the ability to trade those

blows and stick to your guns is what changes someone from a politician to a


Yesterday I told you about the Alabama Legislature being in session for day one of

the 2025 regular session…..last night Governor Ivey gave her State of the State

address in the Old House Chamber in the Capitol Building…..Tennessee’s

legislature gaveled in a couple of weeks ago in an special session to tackle school

choice and yesterday they passed state level illegal immigration laws…..All across

the nation state elected officials are doing what they do, debating good bills,

stopping bad bills, passing budgets…..and I can tell you from experience that

there will be political machinations that make no sense at times…..there will be

state legislators who can’t see past the nose on their faces….there will be some

who will only do what the lobbyists tell them to do…..but I also know from

experience that there will some who will take to the floor of the House or Senate

in their respective states with a statesmanlike attitude of doing what is right for

the greater good because that is who they are…..

The ones who don’t have that view are often the ones who did not become

stronger by virtue of a good fight…..either a) they got whooped one time and are

gun shy now…..or b) they’ve never been in a fight and so they don’t have any idea

how to trade blows when the opposition comes in swinging……too many of the

Republicans in our state supermajorities are in that second group…..they’ve had

the joy of being large and in charge for their whole time in office and have no idea

what it really means to have a good fight and to stand their ground on behalf of

the greater good…..

A few years back there were a class of freshmen legislators, men and women,

who came in to the Alabama House and Senate having endured one of the most

brutal campaign seasons in Alabama history… was called the Republican wave

of 2010 and I talked about it a bit yesterday…..the Tea Party was active….a

grassroots effort like never before in our state was just plain tired of the

corruption, and the Democrats had controlled the Statehouse for 136 straight

years….. but it was a slugfest……the teachers union especially fought and often

fought dirty……I was proud to be a part of that wave and I know for a fact that

those of us who overcame such nastiness in the elections were then better

prepared for the fights that came afterward……I know one guy who won his

election despite his opponent paying strippers to show up at his front door…..I

personally had supporters have their businesses threatened if they put up my

signs…..but we fought those battles and the ones that came after as they tried to

dox our families, our businesses, and harass us for daring to have a statesmanlike

view of how to fix our state……I could tell you story after story of men and women

I served with who came to the Capital battle-scarred with a desire to pursue a

different agenda, a broader agenda…..a statesman’s agenda…..but it only came

when we knuckled down and got into the fight and then lived to fight another


The teachers union was absolutely the worst and often coached its members out

of a position of fear…….they would lash out with the most ridiculous and

unfounded attacks and when they didn’t get us to cow down they would often

resort to personal attacks…..I recall so many times being verbally accosted for

daring to suggest a different budget, or a different way of handling education, or

considering how to save public retirement that was on the verge of collapse…..the

mantra from the teachers union became…..”do what we want or we’ll make sure

you never get reelected!”…..….my response used to tick them off to no end when

I would reply, and often in writing, that, “I didn’t get elected to get reelected. I’m

going to do what I believe is right”…….I’d love to take credit for that statement

but I can’t…..I learned it from a real statesman….someone who had been through

the fire….someone who had even lost elections, and pushed for unpopular

options at times, because he knew that there was a larger plan….a broader

narrative….one that held to higher principles……because that was what statesmen

do……that man was Ronald Reagan who I read had once been advised that a

position he was preparing to take on a major issue could be considered political

suicide…..his top advisors were telling him not to do it out of political expediency

but Reagan, with the scars of prior battles in the public arena told them ….”I

didn’t get elected to get reelected. Let’s do the right thing.”…….That’s a


The politician makes promises but may not deliver on them once elected. …..but a

statesman?......A statesman is a person who stands by his ideals and does

everything in his power to do what he believes is right for the people of his

community, his state, his country……… Statesmen stand on a platform of

fundamental truths…….principles…..and the scars of prior fights…….because when

the fur starts flying, and the attacks come from all angles….and they will… is

the embedded principles and the knowledge of prior survival of big fights that a

statesman will lean on to get him or her through the fight…….

And they cannot be myopic…..they cannot be fixated on just one thing……they

must be broad, and deep, and able to address the issues…….can they adjust from

a fight on cultural issues and pivot to fight for fiscal issues…..are they effective in

the arena of facing down attacks on the constitutional liberties that we as people

enjoy and then able to move next to a debate about economic development or

military spending or education reforms or abortion or prison construction….. can

they see past the moment they are in to decide what is for the greater good…….

A statesman is one who recognizes that his or her position has given them the

opportunity for power…..power of position…..power over people….power that

can become a distraction…..power that can become a tyranny…..and statesmen

do not give way to the idea of power…..for a statesman it is antithetical to pursue

tyranny or to lord themselves over others……George Washington, fresh on the

heels of victory in the Revolutionary War was granted by the continental congress

what they termed as “unlimited powers” in 1777 to pursue the fight against the

British……responding back to the Congress Washington said, “I shall constantly

bear in mind that as the sword was the last resort for the preservation of our

liberties, so it out to be the first thing laid aside when those liberties are firmly

established”……Washington famously resigned his commission as a General

before taking the office of the Presidency and he also declined to serve more than

two terms…….he was a statesman……honed by the fight……standing on

principles……and in the fight for the greater good……..

We need more statesmen……especially in our state government…..we need them

right now…..for such a time as this……And we need them to fight……

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

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