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Participation Trophies & Gold Medals

Triple Dipper:

1. Key Races!
2. Tarnished Medals
3. Now You Tell Us?


3pm: Jeff Poor

3:30pm: JP on Sports

Rightside Way Monologue

I’m going to have to go on a bit of a rant here today…..gotta get something off of

my chest folks…..Something happened yesterday….something that literally flew

under the radar…no one saw it coming….something that represents the height of

cringe, and partisanship, and insult…..Joe Biden fumbled around on stage and

gave out participation trophies… heard me….it happened….did you know

that Biden held an awards ceremony yesterday at the White House?....nobody

did….there was no major effort to promote the event… was buried under real

news about terrorism and elections and international events……but he did…..Joe

Biden held a ceremony to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom… of the

highest awards that can be bestowed upon a civilian…..founded by John F.

Kennedy…..Barack Obama blew everyone out of the water by giving out 118 of

them in his tenure…..Donald Trump awarded 24……yesterday Joe Biden handed

out twenty of them in one day…..but it was who he gave it to that was the real

story… what has to be the biggest slap in the face to over half the nation Biden

chose to hand the vaunted Presidential Medal of Freedom to none other than Liz

Cheney…..and wait for it, Bennie Thompson…..Liz and Bennie, the architects and

presiding members of the January 6 th commission for their defense of

democracy……this was the equivalent of a massive Presidential participation

trophy and a poke in the eye to idea that America is turning a page on


I’m appalled, amazed, and somewhat confused as to how anyone thought this

was a good idea…..I don’t profess to know and understand what goes on in the

minds of the interns that are running the White House and signing Joe’s name to

official documents……but I can bet that they were all raised on participation

trophies…….that epic fail that says no one keeps score, everyone’s a winner, and

post-game snack time is more important than learning how to win and lose…..If

the Biden admin were a college football coach the locker room would be filled

with platitudes and aw shucks comments about how winning isn’t

everything…..but then whining to the press after the game about how no one

gives the players enough credit for showing up……participation trophies….that’s

where we are? The President batches up a stack of 20 participation trophies and

slings them to the crowd like confetti……

So listen, maybe I sound like an old fogey…..but there was a time when we taught

kids that the best trophies in life come from hard work and dedication…..they

were taught every Saturday on Wide World of Sports that there is both a thrill of

victory and an agony of defeat…..but they were also taught by parents who cared,

and teachers who knew, and coaches who pushed, and Drill Sergeants who yelled,

and bosses who required, that life may in fact have setbacks but that setbacks are

not final…..setbacks are merely obstacles to be overcome……

And truthfully, I don’t mind if little kids get a medal for being on the team…..I

loved watching my kids play sports when they were just little bitty and kicking

daisies in the outfield……I love seeing my grandson play little-guy soccer and have

no idea what the score was but he knows that his Daddy told him he played hard

and that’s his takeaway and that’s good….but there comes a time in life…..even as

a child….when they have to know that sometimes they will win, sometimes they

will lose, actions have consequences, and hard work may be required to produce

results……The example that Joe Biden is giving right now to kids in America is not

helpful… who lean on the mentality we saw in yesterday’s awards ceremony

would drop into the fetal position and seize up if they were told to storm the

beaches at Normandy…..

It is this mentality that allowed so much to happen in the past few years… BLM

rioted and burned, and illegal immigrants got free housing, and Israel was

chastised for defending itself against terrorism the Biden admin made a mockery

of true achievement……free money for everything…..government assistance for

agenda driven nonsense……and gold medals for people who suppressed evidence

and lied about January 6 th ……

I suspect that Biden will find a way next to award the student protestors at

Columbia University who stared down their Dean’s, defied the good order and

discipline of academia, and called for their university to divest itself of anything

related to Israel…..remember them?.....A bunch of kids so empowered that they

could break out the windows of school buildings, take over the classrooms, pull

down the American flag to replace it with a Palestinian flag, threaten Jewish

students with bodily harm, call for death to Israel, and then order the school to

send them vegan food, and promise that they wouldn’t get counted absent on the

exams they’re skipping while they tore up the campus…..there is only one

explanation for what we saw…..a lifetime of participation trophies! ……you heard

me….we saw what happens on campuses when a generation of kids grows into

semi-maturity having never learned that life can be hard and that not everyone is

the winner… don’t always get a trophy when you lose and yes, there are

consequences for bad behavior……

Most of these “everyones a winner” neophytes didn’t even know what they were

protesting…..something about their school does like some kind of business with

some country called like Israel who’s at war with these poor misunderstood

oppressed people called Pakistines or something who wear cool scarves and I think

they’re like in the middle east which is like somewhere near Africa, or like

something……but that group at Columbia actually folded pretty quick when most

of the protestors got hungry…..because they forgot to bring their juicy juice and

gluten free snackables…..The New York Post pointed out that the Red Army held

out against the Nazi’s during the siege of Leningrad for years under severe famine

but the pro-Palestine protestors at Columbia didn’t make it to snacktime ……

I digress here…..but not really….what happened on college campuses like

Columbia was left unchallenged by the Biden Administration…..nary a word as

students disrupted and detained and demanded… BLM burned whole city

blocks Kamala Harris helped raise money for bail…..When Antifa locked down a

huge swath of downtown Portland and Seattle Joe Biden had nothing to

say…..consequences mean nothing to his administration unless it involves

slapping the hand of government across the face of anyone they deem on the

right side of events…..if you are a conservative you get no mercy, you get no

quarter, and you surely get no gold medals……unless of course you are Liz Cheney

who was willing to turn on her own party, her own principles, her own

constituents….Liz Cheney who assisted in withholding evidence from the Jan 6

commission and tampered with witnesses while people went to jail never

knowing that there was exculpatory evidence…..and then she campaigned for

Kamala Harris in a desperate effort for relevance in the wake of losing her seat in

Congress when her own voters back home kicked her to the curb……but in Biden

world that deserves a medal…..the same Presidential Medal of Freedom that has

been given over the years to people like Rosa Parks, Jimmy Doolittle, Bob Dole,

Nelson Mandela…..Liz got her a fine fine participation trophy……

Well, I hope that Liz and her participation trophy go home satisfied…..and when

MSNBC calls her to become a commentator on one of their ill-fated shows maybe

she will hang her medal in her broadcast booth as a testament that if you really

screw people over, and try to hose the ones who used to support you, and switch

teams in mid-game, then you too can get an award from a President who doesn’t

know what day it is…….

Presidential Medals of Freedom……in Biden land those are participation


And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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