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Make America Healthy Again

Triple Dipper:

1. MAHA!
2. Race Baiters & Charlatans
3.DEI Death Throes


3pm: Dr. Jordan Vaughn

3:30: JP on Sports

4pm: Attorney General Steve Marshall


1. MAHA!

2. Race Baiters and Charlatans

3. DEI Death Throes (all I need here is the opening summary and the introduction)

Rightside Way Monologue

A few years back I was sitting on the floor at our house… daughter was in the

room and heard me creak and pop and grunt as I worked to get up off the

floor….now I’m a reasonably healthy person….I still try to workout several times a

week….I don’t overeat….but I’ve got some busted parts…..three fused vertebrae,

a reattached bicep, broken bones reset that don’t flex like they used to…..but that

day my daughter heard me doing an old man grunt and asked, “what’s wrong

Dad?”…..I said, “nothing darling, I’m just getting old and crickety”…..she said, “I

don’t want to hear that.”….and I responded, “Oh no girlfriend….I’d rather be old

and crickety and full of the memories it took to get there than to be soft and pain

free and have never done anything hard in my life”……she just looked at me a

minute and said, “well, I agree with that!”…..I don’t know, maybe if was life

lesson….but its true….but what if I just sat around….what if I just let it all

go…..would I be any better off? And the answer to that is absolutely not……in fact,

making no decision about your health and activity is a decision to have “no health

and no activity”……

I say all of that because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had his confirmation hearings over

the past few days…..the world of big pharma is wringing its hands…..corporate

medicine and big government have gotten so used to being unchallenged that

they don’t even try to hide it anymore…..and in the midst of the all of the

confirmation hoopla the mantra of MAHA was heard over and over again…..

It reminded me of a movie that came out some years ago….I’m sure many of you

have seen it… was one of the modern animated classics by Pixar Studios called

“Wall-E”……the movie came out in 2008 and was filled with all kinds of not-so-

subtle environmentalist agendas and pokes at consumerism…..but despite having

one of those man-made global catastrophe end-of-the-world vibes it was actually

really entertaining…..the premise of the movie was the all of humanity had left

the earth because we had destroyed the environment…..trash was everywhere,

the whole world was one big garbage dump… mankind got onto these giant

spaceships and left, but they left behind a crew of robots to work on clean up

with the idea that mankind would one day return when life could be sustained on

planet earth again…..okay, I know, it sounds like a greenpeace flick….and it

was….but it was still really funny…..but here’s my point about Making American

Healthy Again….one of the underlying storylines in the movie was what happened

to mankind out there in their spaceships…..centuries passed and one little robot

was left trying to daily clean up the mess that people had left behind…..but the

people had floated off into space and forgotten their roots….over time the

systems on the spaceship completely pampered them…..they never exercised,

they never ate well, everyone got flaccid and flabby and moved around in floating

chairs…..they never talked to each other and even texted with people who were

sitting right beside them…..what they didn’t know was that the master computer

had decided to keep them unhealthy on purpose…..they had no dreams, they had

no drive, no ambition, and they certainly had no health…..and then one day their

imaginary world was rocked when the little robot named Wall-e found life

growing on earth and the people began to wake up to the fact that they had been

kept suppressed by a system that made them unhealthy so they wouldn’t go back

to really living….it turned out that the central computer needed them to be fat,

unchallenged, and unhealthy, because that was what made the computer work….

And that my friends is what RFK Jr is preaching against… of the best lines

from his opening statements at day one of his confirmation hearing was “A

healthy person has a thousand dreams, a sick person only has one. President

Trump is committed to restoring the American dream and that starts with a

healthy nation.”…..he’s right….the unhealthy have no choices, no options, about

living large…..they have to find the means to live…..while those who are healthy

can pursue life with a different level of energy and vigor…..

And please understand me…..I’m not focusing here on folks who have contracted

an illness or injury that they cannot control….thats a different category

altogether…..I’m talking about those who choose not to work on their

health….who have been lulled into bad habits and bad decisions and even bad

medical regimens……it’s a real thing….and in America we have a healthcare crisis

and yet we have one of the most astoundingly large and extremely capable

medical professions in the world….we are the envy of the world…..we have more

hospitals, more researchers, more food, more opportunity, than any nation on

the face of the earth and yet we have some of the most unhealthy people per

capita of any nation on the face of the earth….. American ranks as one of the most

obese nations on the face of the earth and as the #1 most obese among first

world high-income countries…..a recent study published in US News and World

Report indicates that Americans have one of the highest rates of depression in the

world which would indicate that mental health, and not just physical health, are

also an issue…..despite the massive medical industrial complex America actually

ranks 4 th in the world for cancer rates…..these are troubling statistics and they

only scratch the surface…..why is this? What are we doing or not doing right? And

if there is something that needs to be changed, addressed or refocused, then why

would we not?......

We literally overmedicate, over diagnose, overpay, and then we do it over and

over and over again…..doctors are too often told what they will say ….we saw that

firsthand during Covid when the narrative was given to the doctors by corporate

masters and big pharma and government, and that was that…..don’t you dare

prescribe holistic treatments….don’t you dare talk about Ivermectin…’re a

vaccine denier! …’s the pandemic of the unvaccinated! …..and yet here we are,

watching as the President is literally working to restore military servicemembers

who lost their careers because they dared to question a shot……and as an

Attorney I feel certain that in the next few years we are going to see a rash of

class action lawsuits by people who have been harmed by the MRNA

vaccines…..the effects of which are still being discovered and which apparently

did nothing to stem the spread of Covid itself…..and I’m going to tell you

something that is very personal….and I asked her permission first… sweet

wife, the lovely Charlene, is being treated now for the symptoms of long

Covid…..for nearly two years she didn’t have the strength to get off the couch on

some days….it was heartbreaking and maddening for her all at the same

time….the trip we took to DC for the inaugural last week would not have been

able to happen a little over a year ago and we owe her recovery to a gracious God

and to a Dr. in Birmingham that was willing to question the narrative….a doctor

who was willing to buck the system and not just toe the big pharma line…..

And I’ve also had my own issues over the years…… when the Global War on Terror

broke out I immediately mobilized to Fort Bragg, NC…..while there we got all of

our physicals and shot records were updated……and then they gave us

Meflaquine… anti-malarial drug that is taken in pill form once a

week….Meflaquine Monday we called it….don’t miss….I had seen my father with

lingering effects of malaria long after Vietnam so I took it religiously and didn’t get

malaria…..but the vivid and disturbing dreams those pills caused were something

else…..and the physical side effects stayed with me well after deployment…..loss

of energy, lack of strength, I couldn’t run a mile without getting winded…..I was

diagnosed for a year as being hypo-glycemic with blood sugar that would bounce

around like a rubber ball……reports began to surface of the delusions and

personality disorders that some Meflaquine users experienced…..multiple

servicemembers committed suicide and even murder based on delusional

thoughts that were later believed to be after-effects of Meflaquine…… in 2013 the

US military quietly banned any further use of Meflaquine……but hey, it was a

really really good idea at the time…….

Why am I telling you all of this?.....because we have a right to question, and that

right to question is based not just on freedom of expression, and freedom of

speech, but on the simple fact that history dictates that people make stupid

decisions about things that negatively affect others all the time…….and America

deserves to be healthy….but we will not be a healthy nation by continuing to do

the same things over and over again and expecting a different result….it’s time to

Make America Healthy Again…..

……And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

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