Fiscal Hypocrisy
Triple Dipper:
1. True The Vote
2. Keeping The Lights On
3. Race Baiters & Charlatans
4pm: PSC President Twinkle Cavanaugh
1. True the Vote
2. Keeping the Lights On
3. Race Baiters & Charlatans
Rightside Way Monologue
Ok, so I’m about to make you mad…..those of you that consider yourselves fiscal
conservatives that is….last week I did a monologue about the Pentagon failing its
7 th audit in a row with an inability to account for over $824 Billion in materiel,
equipment and funds…..epic failure!.....so if you care where your tax dollars go
and what they go for….stand by…..because for the next few minutes I want to talk
about liberal big government views on money…...your money to be
exact….money that taxpayers have contributed to the cause…..money that on one
hand is held against us and used sometimes to coerce enforcement of an agenda,
while at the same time our tax dollars are used and abused without accountability
by the same ones who just tried to coerce our behavior with it….its an odd measure
of fiscal hypocrisy…. but first let me set the stage by telling a story…..actually it’s
a memory, and one that maybe some of ya’ll can relate to….
When I was a kid….roughly middle-school age….my Dad was an Army Officer
and we were stationed in London, England…..One Summer it was worked out that
I could come back to the states to visit family and stay for the summer…..sounds
good right?.....so as a 12 or 13 year old kid I boarded a plane by myself, and flew
from London’s Heathrow International to La Guardia and from there to
Birmingham, Alabama….. I have had enough adventures as a well-traveled adult
moving around crowded airports…. but I look back now and can’t believe that I
was set loose a middle-schooler to find my way across international waters with
changeovers in major airports…..All I knew to do was get off in La Guardia and
find an information booth and ask how to get to my next gate…..anyway, there I
was, probably looking lost as a coot, walking the terminals staring up at signs,
when all of a sudden someone grabbed my arm…..I looked over and there was this
booth full of well, basically hippies wearing robes…..back then it was actually
common for the airports to allow special interest groups to set up shop in small
booths and try to solicit travelers….I kid you not, it was a four sided waist high
square about 10x10 and there were about a half dozen Moonies…..for those who
don’t remember that’s a cult led by the Rev. Sung Myung Moon….they were all
the rage back in the late 60’s and 70’s…..and one of them had this unsuspecting
teenager traveling alone by the arm…..I didn’t know what she wanted….but man
she was into it….telling me all the amazing things their cult did, and could she sell
me some of their beautifully decorated books……this went on, for a good ten
minutes, with me knowing that I had to get to a gate somewhere on the back side
of Egypt….here’s the end result, as a kid, this grown woman who should have
known better finally let go of my arm when I handed her a $20 bill…..me thinking
at the time that I was just glad to be free of her, that maybe I had done a good thing
because I gave to some charity, and also knowing that I didn’t have time to
understand it and no one was there to explain it……to say that my parents were
upset later (not at me) is an understatement…..
Well, let me tell you….what I just described is what liberal politicians try to do to
us every day….. it’s as if we are all the unwitting traveler and the liberals in DC
are a bunch of money-grubbing moonies with an agenda….if you’ll do what we
say then we’ll let go of your arm…..we give them our money….they make
promises….but in the end what they’ve really done is injected themselves further
into our lives…..several stories from the headlines over the past few years give me
specific cause to say these things…. I see specific evidence of arm-grabbing
So here’s the thing…..we all saw how the Biden administration doubled down on
their efforts to remake society….its as if they had a sense of desperation and they
knew that they have to get it all done before the first term ran out……and in the
course of doing so they looked around for any place in which the unwitting
taxpayer may feel trapped and have no choice but to yield to their agenda……kind
of like a kid traveling by himself dealing with money-grubbing Moonies….
Case in point #1: Did you know that the federal funds for free and reduced lunches
to underprivileged children in public schools were held hostage to a woke
agenda…..you heard me….the Biden Dept. of Agriculture….knowing full well that
the states have become dependent on funding to help feed children who might not
otherwise get a full meal at home…..those children targeted by the Biden
administration for the loss of the funds…..funds for those meals that kids relied
on….. unless states would adopt the Biden admins rules and policies related to
sexual orientation and gender identity…..it was all a part of the effort to force a
redirection on the gender wars….. In new policy guidance the USDA which is the
agency more responsible for food security than any other…..announced that
schools must accept this new policy of mandating that transgender use of
bathrooms and other such nonsense be accepted…..if not then the withholding of
funds to any entity that distributes food aid, like baby formula, school lunches, and
community food banks would follow…..Fox News called it “food security
Case in point #2: the Heritage Foundation identified a new regulation buried deep
in the 1036-page renewed Medicare regulations promulgated by the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2022 (CMS)…..apparently what is being
referred to as the new “anti-racism” rule is a requirement that any medical provider
who treats Medicare patients….which is many of them….. must “create and
implement an anti-racism plan”….a plan that must include target goals and
milestones to prevent and address racism and provide ongoing anti-racism training
in order to best identify the implicit biases that the Biden administration is sure
must exist in the healthcare arena….so what we have now is the government
inserting itself into the actual business practices of medical providers and
demanding that they acquiesce to their systemic bias and privileges….holding
doctors by the arm until they give in…..
Case in point #3: do you remember the massive infrastructure spending bill $1.2
Trillion dollars….taxpayer dollars…… Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
announced the strongarming of states and local governments to spend those
infrastructure dollars on progressive pet projects…..things like climate-resilient
public transit and bike paths…..mandating that old roads be repaired before new
ones are built regardless of the actual needs of the locals…..Buttigieg’s leadership
has even resulted most recently in threats to state governments of the loss of
transportation dollars unless they prioritize matters related to pedestrians and
bicyclists…..All of this despite the fact that the express language of the spending
bill prevents such monetary coercion…..
What we have been seeing is the most advanced case of the weaponization of
money in perhaps…..well, ever. Most folks never see it…..and those that do are
too often fearful that if they don’t comply then they will be at a loss……The
Federal government is known for adding stringers….but rarely have we seen it at
such a blatant progressive agenda driven level…..Elected officials and bureaucrats
who would stoop to this level of revenue based coercion are no better than
Moonies in an airport grubbing money off of unsuspecting travelers….
It's the weaponization of money…..and it is just plain wrong…..but is the federal
government as careful with our tax dollars when they conduct business…..I mean,
if you’re going to mandate behaviors and place regulatory burdens it must mean
that’s because you’re a really responsible entity who leads by
example…right?....well, as a matter of unmitigated fiscal hypocrisy the same
government that demands we conform to a liberal agenda or lose the use of
funds…..they don’t have accountability of many of the funds we send them….
We cannot have a two-tiered layer of accountability where the little guy takes it on
the chin while the big guy laughs on C-Span and earns a big retirement bonus…..
there is an old saying that you cannot expect what you don’t inspect…..the
Pentagon should expect to be inspected in the next few years to come….
The bottom line is this….the weaponization of money is wrong…..coercion is
coercion whether it is committed by organized crime or the government….and if
the government is going to grab us by the arm and take our dollars unless we
comply with their agenda…..well, shouldn’t we be allowed some reciprocal ability
to call for accountability for their spending…..it’s only right….
But unfortunately…..it’s too often more about fiscal hypocrisy….and less about
good government….
And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way