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The Turning Point

Triple Dipper:

1. Show Me The Money
2. Kakistocracy
3. Stop the Madness


Butters and Lee


1.. Show Me The Money


2. Kakistocracy

3. Stop the Madness

Rightside Way Monologue

There’s the old adage of the frog in the boiling water……you know the

storyline…..a frog is placed into a pot of water and swims around contentedly

never realizing that someone has turned on the heat and the water is slowly moving

toward a full boil……the frog, without knowing any better never takes its mind off

of its own contentedness……it just swims along and before it realizes the danger

that it is in it is too late…..the water boils, the frog is cooked……..folks, our

society has been swimming along like a bunch of frogs in a pot…….but I do

believe that we are in a time of turning….I can feel it….can you?

Charlene and I were talking recently and she adamantly said, “you’ve got to keep

reminding your folks to not let themselves get numb to what’s going on in our

country right now”……and she is absolutely right! She usually is……we cannot

allow ourselves, our neighbors, our friends and family, to become numb to the

cultural shifts the left is foisting upon us………and its everywhere, in every corner

of society, at every turn………we can have satanic ceremonies celebrated as

culture on the Grammy’s and churches say nothing, because it’s art……we can

have whole hospitals given to the notion of transgender surgeries and treatments on

minors to forever alter their appearance, and it is celebrated as awareness……we

can have our border ransacked by illegal immigration numbering in the millions,

and it is feted as openness…….we can have failing schools teach failed concepts

like critical race theory, and it is called an awakening to truth……we can have

blind spending sprees out of Washington that drives our debt into astronomical

figures, and we are told that it is inflation reduction…….All of that and more has

been happening … many places it is still happening right now…..

But here’s the other thing that Charlene says often…..”there are more of us than

there are of them”…….I believe that’s true…….if you get down to it, we just

proved that to be a fact when the right side of politics won both the electoral

college and the popular vote……it is a sign of the time of turning…..I believe that

the vast majority of America is still desirous of traditional values and conservative

principles…….But what good is it too have an Army that outnumbers its enemies

if that Army is asleep when the enemy comes marching…….we have to stay

awake….and stay alert….to stay alive…..keep our heads on a swivel, with a


And its time to get back to realities…..real realities…..stop spending so much time

allowing our culture to be pretended and offended by what are no more than “first

world problems” and forget that the realities of life are not solved by wokisms, and

platitudes and people following their own truth….wokists on the progressive left,

and their liberal media allies…..they always create a first world solution and then

create the first world problem to help them validate their predetermined first world

solution…..what’s an example? …..well, here’s one…..wokists desperately want to

co-opt our kids into believing the lies that transgenderism is built on… rather

than just live out their fetishes and fantasies as adults they create the idea that

gender is fluid, and then they create the idea that children need to be affirmed for

their gender dysphoria, then they create the cottage industry of medical hacks and

quacks and liberal pundits who all agree and VOILA(!) suddenly children are

being “affirmed” and growing up to believe that men can compete in womans

sports….they create the problem to fit their woke solutions…..only in the first

world ya’ll…..

I’m reminded me of another experience… Afghanistan I lived among the

Afghan people ….very often, on the side walls of a dilapidated dwelling made of

mud bricks I would see these patties…..they looked like frisbees made of

mud…….and they lined the walls, and usually on the sunny side of the

building….stuck in row after row, sometimes dozens of these round dried out

patties all stuck to a wall……so one day I asked one of my interpreters about them

and he said “oh sir, those are Tapi”…….Tapi, as I came to understand is animal

dung that has been collected, mashed and stomped on to make it uniform in

consistency, added straw to give it body, and then made into flat discs and stuck on

the walls to dry… the colder months Tapi was burned in the home for heat,

stoves burned Tapi for cooking…..there were people who made Tapi patties and

sold them for food money…….On the one hand we would use the idea as a joke

and sometimes and call each other “Tapi Heads”….or complain that the food was

nothing but “Tapi on a plate”……but the reality of Tapi has stuck with me for all

of these years…..these are people who know of no other means to cook or provide

heat than to hand collect animal waste, dry it in the sun, and burn it for fuel!

But then you look back at the ridiculous things that wokists say here in the first

world… the leftwing academic who recently declared that people who bring

cake to the office for their co-workers are actually causing harm…….so now cake

is a woke issue it appears……..mmmmm……..or the Drag Queen presentation at a

middle school breakfast event that parents were not apprised of in

advance……when did it become okay to circumvent parents on issues? Any

issues?..........mmmmm……or the story of a 10 year old (10!) who has allegedly

been a transgender activist since he was just five and he is moving to another state

to get away from so-called transphobic’s in his community……let me suggest that

it is his activist mother that made him an activist at 5 years old and that five year

olds don’t move themselves across state lines…..mmmmmmmmmm!........

In a country where they burn Tapi for heat they major on the majors……in a

country where they burn Tapi for heat they would love to have some of the extra

cake that people in our country take to their coworkers……..but in a country where

it has become commonplace for small children to be seen as hero activists by

telling the world that boys can be girls, well that is a classic case of majoring in

minors because we have become so culturally soft that we no longer see the need

to major on the majors………

But the signs of the turning are everywhere…..and yes, there is resistance to such

wokisms…….I’m glad that this show has the chance to provide some air cover to

those who want to push back on it all…….but make no mistake, the underlying

thread is not just the agenda’s of this group, or that group, or who got elected, or

whether Hunter Biden’s laptop will ever see the light of day, or whether we can get

to net-zero emissions by 2035, or whether they can convince us that eating bugs is

as good as eating bacon, or that cow flatulence must be stopped…..

I believe that we are entering into unprecedented times….a time of turning….a

time when the cultural inflection point actually turned in the right direction…..and

more than ever….to make the turning happen to its fullest….. it will be necessary

for good men and women of principle to be fully and completely situationally

aware of their surroundings, of their times, of the actions of their opposition, with

an knowledge of what they should do……You may have to speak up… may

have to know your position well enough to add clarity……you may indeed have to

address concerns that you shouldn’t have to address but if you don’t they will only

get worse…..but the last thing we need to be doing right now is turning a blind

eye….putting our heads in the sand…..

that’s where we are…..the turning point……we can live as sheep or as

sheepdogs….. we have to stay alert……we cannot become numb…….and so, I am

being watchful…..I am making a conscious effort to enjoy life, to laugh, to love,

but also to fight……I refuse to sit idly in my pot like a sleepy frog and just get

slow-boiled…..we would all do well to heed the lovely Charlene’s advice……we

cannot allow ourselves to get numb to it all…….this is our time to turn…..

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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Rightside Media was created by  Phil Williams, a former Alabama state senator, retired army Colonel, and practicing attorney.

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