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Lawfare Losers

Triple Dipper:

1. Fani Pack
2. Adventures in Woke World
3. Government Shutdown?


3:30pm: JP on Sports

4pm: Congressman Gary Palmer


1. Fani Pack

2. Adventures in Woke World

3. Government Shutdown?

Rightside Way Monologue

I don’t know if you saw the headlines or not…..tucked in between things like

spending bills….DOGE…..DEI in schools…..Players entering the portal and

more…..there was a story that indicates that justice may be returning to the

justice system…..because yesterday, in a landmark smack down that rivals

anything from an MMA Octagon Atlanta District Attorney Fani Willis got her

Fanny handed to her by the Appellate Court in Georgia… was a shocking and

well-earned rebuke of her misguided attempt to commit lawfare and abuse the

criminal justice system to suit her own political grievances….the GA appellate

Court determined that Fani Willis had so grievously committed acts of impropriety

in her rushed zeal to get Trump that the only way to restore confidence in the

justice system was to fully and completely remove her from the case…..she didn’t

lose her job, although that is still possible if the State Bar looks at this and decides

that she should be punished with removal of her license…..but without losing her

job she was fired…..just like that… other words, she did such a horrible job, and

committed such incomprehensible, impudent, unethical and potentially illegal

acts that the senior courts in her state won’t even let her continue…..she didn’t

get fired….she was torched……and rightly so……

These are weird times in which we live……weird…..and to some degree these are

unprecedented times…..a transgender murders 6 innocent people at a Christian

school and mere days later the President of the United States issues a

proclamation claiming that transgenders represent the “soul of America” and

declaring today to be the National Day of Transgender Visibility (whatever that

means)…….in DC Democrats have harangued conservatives for the past 4 years

over the January 6 th riots at the US Capitol, claiming that it was an insurrection! An

insurrection! People have been locked up for the past few years without due

process because they were allegedly impeding the flow of governance…..but yet,

gun control activists forced their way into the Tennessee State Capitol in 2023,

actually blockading legislators in restrooms and requiring State Troopers to

intervene…..but that was just a peaceful protest…..right……

It is as if the world was captive to madness….some kind of strange mental

estrangement from reality where the narrative was twisted every day…..but

nothing beats the left’s abuse of the justice system…..lets not forget that while

Hunter Biden got a pardon for anything and everything he did or could have done

for a span of a whole decade that people like Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, Peter

Navarro and Gen. Michael Flynn had their lives ripped away by zealous prosectors

eager to get Trump…….prosecution on principal is not a good thing……what do I

mean by that?.....I mean that it needs to be an evidenced based actual crime

against the rule of law and the peace of society……but having an agenda first, a

principle of getting someone at any cost, of using the court system to seek

revenge as opposed to simply making society safe……that is not what Lady Justice

wears the blindfold for…….that is lawfare……and it needs to be abolished……

As an Attorney myself I have focused my 2 decades of legal practice to civil

law…..but within my firm we have lawyers that practice civil, criminal, domestic,

guardianship, real estate, bankruptcy……you name it……

I once had a client who had a good mad going against someone tell me he wanted

to sue them out of principal…….I told him that wasn’t a good idea and that I

wouldn’t do it…..he demanded to know why not! And I took time to inform him

that lawyers actually have rules of professional conduct that we are bound

to…..rules that govern our profession and that filing lawsuits purely for the

purpose of revenge is nothing more than just, well…..revenge…… Revenge-based

litigation or prosecution flies in the face of what is allowed……I also let him know

that in Alabama we have something called the litigation accountability act that

allows for someone to sue to recoup their own damages if they can prove that a

frivolous lawsuit was filed against them……my client was still mad but he realized

that I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to help him use the courts to beat

people up just because he was mad….he slowed down a bit…..Until the next

situation arose….On another occasion he had a right to sue a company for

committing wrongs against his company…..he was right……we filed suit and it

took several years but we finally won. The case settled at mediation and he was

happy as a clam and signed the settlement agreement. Then he got mad and

wanted to renege…….I told him that he had just entered into a good faith

agreement and that he would open himself up to being sued himself if he didn’t

follow through…….that argument took months…….On one other occasion this

same client was just sure that someone had wronged him and once again he

wanted to sue….this time he was also right so we started the process at which

point he told me that he was going to file a police report and also try to press

criminal charges… which point I once again had to take a deep breath and tell

him what he did not want to hear…..namely, that the rules of professional

conduct once again stipulate that a lawyer may not threaten criminal action

against someone in order to gain the upper hand in a civil action…….so no, I would

not be helping him to press charges just to make our civil lawsuit look good……

Sometime later I found out that he filed a police report anyway without me

knowing……needless to say I am not his Attorney any more…..

My point in telling you all of this is that I am an Attorney……and as an Attorney I

believe strongly that my job is to zealously pursue and defend my clients interests

but I also know that sometimes I have to advise my clients that what they feel is

not the same as what they can sue for…….this is why lawyers are sometimes

referred to as counselors, because we are actually giving counsel, both good and

bad……..but I should also say that I take pride in my profession….as an Officer of

the Court I was sworn in having already provided all of the information necessary

for background checks, fingerprinting….I’m sworn to also maintain my license by

taking annual continuing legal education which must by law include ethics

training…….and I’m not alone, it’s the same for anyone who practices law…..and

maybe I’m just a small-fry Alabama lawyer and not the District Attorney of

Atlanta, or Manhattan, or San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Baltimore, all with

George Soros funding my campaign, but I suspect that they are all supposed to be

held to the same type of rigorous standards and rules of conduct……those rogue

DA’s who prosecute on principal may be practicing in a more liberal venue than

beautiful North Alabama but nonetheless the even and unbiased application of

the law is still supposed to be the rule…….and sometimes its not just the client

that needs to hear things that they don’t want to hear…..sometimes the lawyer

needs to be told things that go contrary to their notions……maybe the lawyer, or

in this case the prosecutor, needs to step back, objectively look at a case, or a

prosecution, and make sure that they don’t have their own grievances, emotions,

politics or prejudices wrapped up in it……somebody should have done that with

Fani Willis…..someone should have told her that the practice of law is not for

vendetta’s……lawyers should not be engaged in “Lawfare”……

The Georgia appellate Court knew that not only did they have to intervene in the

present case being brought against Trump because Fani was wrong for that

situation…..but also because the implication was otherwise very clear…..that a DA

who sacrifices ethics so that she can hang a trophy on her wall is not really a

DA…..she is a bounty hunter…..and the entire legal system was in jeopardy if it

was allowed to continue……

Yeah…..Fani got her fanny handed to her…..and it may have saved lady justice in

the process…..

And that’s a wrap for the Rightside Way

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